"She is so beautiful." I managed to say.

Edward who stood behind me wrapped his arms around my waist and held me. A russet color caught my eye and I looked over in the corner and saw Jacob watching her intently. Sitting beside him was Rosalie and behind her was Alice and Esme.

After the song had finished a song I recognized to be Moonlight Sonata by Bethoven began. Her moves slowed down a beat and a half and her transitions were bigger, louder and elaborate.

"She didn't get that elegance from me." I murmered to Edward as I wrapped my arms around his that rested on my waist. "Thats all you Edward."

The entire time that Renesmee was dancing she had her eyes closed. When I had spoke her dancing stopped as she opened her eyes to look right at me.

She began giggling happily as she ran over to the door and thrust it open. She grabbed our hands and led us inside before she stared at us.

"What does she want?" Jacob asked as Edward chuckled.

Edward looked into my eyes before he place one of his hands through mine and then the other on my waist. "She wants us to dance."

Just at the perfect moment Claude Debussy's song Claire De Lune began to play. A smile formed on my lips as I remembered the first time Edward and I danced.

Then we began to move in a slow circle, one move after another. Then we began movign across the floor, Edward leading with his expertise. One twirl and then a dip and the room was clapping. After we righted ourselves I slipped from Edwards embrace and nudged Renesmee forward.

I moved to a spot beside Esme and watched as Edward and Renesmee continued the dance. Every few steps Edward would lift her and then spin once before setting her to her feet. It was beautiful.

"Thank you Bella." Esme said as she hugged me.

"For what?" I asked curiously, not letting my eyes leave the sight of my husband and daughter dance.

"For giving my son something to truly live for. Love, family, fatherhood." She ended her voice shaking as the invisible tears came.

"Oh Esme." I sighed as I pulled her into a hug again.

Soon enough the song had ended and the dancing, for now, was over. Edward and Renesmee moved to the piano where they began practicing a complex piece of music by Mozart. The Turkish March.

This song was one of my many favorites in the classical genre so I decided to stay, sitting at the window seat while I listened to my daughter play with her father. I couldn't help but sway back and forth and close my eyes as I let the music flow through my body.

Having listened to this song on numerous occasions I knew every note played and was estatic when I heard no mistakes being played. She was smart and quick when it came to learning. Nothing confused her, nothing held her back, nothing was too hard for her to achieve when it came to new skills and new studies.

"Bella?" I heard Carlisle call.

When I opened my eyes I half expected him to be standing right beside me but he wasn't. He was on the third floor in his office but because I had perfect hearing I heard everything as if it was in the same room as me.

Raising to my feet I walked up the two flights of stairs and entered the room. When I closed the door I saw Carlisle staring at the lense of a microscope.

"Carlisle." I replied as I headed across the room.

I paused slightly when I saw my mother laying in the bed, her eyes closed. Zoning in on her heart beat I let out a breath of relief when I was able to hear it beating. In the next half second I continued over to his side, curious to why he called me.

"She is sleeping." Carlisle explained before he rose to his feet. "It seems that the embryo has successfully implanted itself in your mothers womb. I was able to scrap some cells from the outside of the embryotic sac and study them."

I took a peak into the microscrope and then gave my attention back to Carlisle. It made no sense to me or even looked any different since I had no idea what I would be looking for.

"The worst I feared is happening as we speak. The vampire genes are repairing themselves and growing back." He said to me.

If I had a heart it would have stopped.

"Take it out of her." I said desperately. "She is sleeping so take it out of her."

The door opened and in walked Rosalie, behind her was Emmett, who took her stand before my mother like she did while I was pregnant with Renesmee.

"We spoke to your mother after the assessment and told her that complications would arise and she might not survive the birth." Carlisle explained. "She asked if the baby would be able to make it and we told her more then likely if she was able to hold out long enough for it to be viable."

"Okay and your point?" I asked, the tone in my voice slightly rude.

"The point is that your mother says she will take the risk as long as the baby is alright." Rosalie snapped. "You are not killing my baby." She added.

"That is my mother-!" I growled

"-Who made her choice to keep the baby. Are you really going to go against your mothers wishes?" She asked me. "Especially after we protected yours despite what your husband wanted."

I hissed at her a few times before the words truly sank in. She was right. Carlisle had told me that I might not survive carrying the baby but I didn't care as long as the baby was healthy and alive. I couldn't go against my mothers wishes for a selfish reason. It was her life and her choice.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked.

I knew the pain I went through while carrying Renesmee. Broken ribs, large bruises, drinking blood... Certainly my mother would know that something wasn't right and then my father and Sue would begin to question what was wrong with my mother.

"I have her medically induced into a coma." He paused when he saw my reaction. "We asked permission and explained that it would be better this way. The coma will keep her from having to feel the pain. We will have your mother hooked up to blood and fluids so the child and your mother are nourished." He reassured me.

Then Edward was at my side. "We will keep this door locked so no one can come in that we don't want in. The story will be that your mother returned to Arizona because she felt bad that Renesmee had almost drowned. Then we will make up the story that she passed during a car accident if she doesn't survive this." He ended.

Was I prepared to lose my mother?

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now