chapter 6: Mineta and Monoma

Start from the beginning

Izuku: Did you get Monoma yet?

Mei: i got him, coming to get you now be there in 5 so be ready

Izuku: Okay

Izuku looked around the room admiring Mineta's collection of history books and encyclopedias on his bookshelf, "Never took Mineta as a history type of guy." He grabbed a book about the Edo peroid and opened it to find pages of upskirt shots and close up pictures of womens boobs and some of them were of his classmates, Izuku quickly closed the book and put it back on the shelf before looking back at Mineta, "You are a disgusting little man." Right after he said that he got a text from Mei saying she was out front, Izuku quickly picked up the small purple pervert and carried him outside to the trunk of Mei's car and put him next to a knocked out Monoma, he ran around to the passenger seat and looked over at Mei who was smiling at him wanting to know ever detail of his first time, "So how did your first kidnapping go?" "It was pretty easy though i almost gave myself away, i think i need a shorter cloak." He said as he started taking off his costume, "It's okay, the first time never goes completely right but the more you do it the better you get at it." She started the car and began to drive but her eyes weren't focused on the road instead she kept looking over at him getting glimpses of his abs, "So what's the plan Mei?" She snapped out her trance and focused back on the road before answering, "It's simple, Were gonna Broadcast our game live during the sports festival tomorrow." She began smiling at the thought and it creeped out Izuku alot, she reminded him of those smiling hyenas from the Lion King "How the hell do you plan to do that?" She handed him a bag filled with security cards and and there small strange devices, "Those are things i was trying to tell you about awhile ago but i never got to explain them, it's basically a cloaking device that makes you unable to be seen on video or any other recording device."

She picked one up and hit the big red button, "now i'm invisible." "Wow Mei that's amazing, you are a genius." Izuku said making her blush a little, she was used to getting compliments like that but for some reason whenever Izuku said something like that it made her feel all fuzzy inside, "T-t-thank you Izuku, anyways i'm gonna explain now how were gonna do this so listen up." He quickly looked in the glove compartment and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, "I'm ready Mei."

(The day of the sports festival)

Mei woke up to the smell of freshly cooked french toast which could only mean one thing, Izuku was making breakfast, she skipped getting on some clothes and went straight to the kitchen area where he saw Izuku washing the dishes, "Hurry up and eat, you don't wan't to be late for your big day." He said as he turned around to see her only wearing one of his large white T-shirts and her pink panties, causing him to turn red as a tomato from the sight of her, "Mei Why are you naked?" He turned his face so he wouldn't be caught staring, "I'm not naked plus this isn't the first time youve seen me like this so why are you so nervous." He tried to respond but he was such a akward wreck that he couldn't produce a sentence, "Oh god, looks like i broke you." She grabbed his hand and walked him over to the kitchen table making him sit next her, she began to cut the french toast into little bite sized pieces before stabbing one of the pieces and raising it to his mouth, "Open." Izuku did what she said opening his mouth a letting Mei feed him, she then handed him the fork, "Your turn." Izuku didn't complain as he stabbed a piece and put it up to Mei's mouth so she could put it in her mouth, "You make the best french toast in the world Izuku, thank you." She took the fork back and began eating but she suddenly saw the time on her watch, "Oh god i got to get dressed." She quickly got up and ran back to her room leaving Izuku at the table looking at the half eaten breakfast, once she was dressed she ran to the front door of the warehouse where she was met up with a flustered Izuku, "Well i'm off, wish me luck."

"Wait." She stopped and looked at him noticing how embarrassed he still was, "I have something to give you for good luck but first you need to close your eyes." She didn't know why she had to close her eyes but she did what he asked, once her eyes were closed he wrapped his arms around her giving her a deep hug before kissing her on the cheek and whispering in her ear, "Good luck out there." She opened her eyes as soon as Izuku let go of her, they were both blushing and smiling, "Thank you for that, Izuku." She said before running off to school, once she was out of sight Izuku grabbed his jacket and went to location for the game to finish some final touches

(Later at the Sports Staduim)

Mei had done incredible in the sports festival, in the opening obstacle race to the staduim Mei got 15th place suprising many in attendence, next round was the human cavalry battle where she teamed with the winner of the obstacle race Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida and Momo Yaoyorozu to get first place and earn a spot in the final round which was a single elimination tournament. Sadly in Mei's first match against Tenya Iida she was dropped out of the ring but it wasn't a complete loss, she had tricked him into advertising her babies for her making her and her inventions known to the world, as she headed back to the locker room she pulled out a screw driver and began to fix one of her babies not looking where she was going and eventually running into a tall man, "Oh i'm so sorry i wasn-." She froze when she saw that the man was the #2 pro hero Endeavour, "Out of my way kid, i'm very busy." He continued on his way not even offering to help her up, she quickly got her up and picked up her baby, "One day, when i'm ready, you will be tested." She said quietly, after washing up she returned to watch the rest of the matches with her class who congradulated her on making it this far in the festival, she watched every match carefully but was more focused on the ones with people she and Izuku targeted for future games, eventually the tournament came to a close and the winner of the sports festival was Katsuki Bakugo the bully who told Izuku to kill himself and this made her angry to know someone like that is trying to say he is gonna be a hero.

"LET HERE IT FOR OUR WINNER KATSUKI BAKUGOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The staduim cheered for there champion but it seemed Bakugo was unhappy with his victory but that all disappeared when the big screen went to static grabbing everyone's attention, "What the hell is going on?"

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