Ch 6

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The Next Day

Ace❤️😛 would like to FaceTime you...

I accept it

"Yes?" I said

"Get yo ass up!" Ace said

"Boy bye"

Call Ended

Ace❤️😛 would like to FaceTime you...

"Keyanta what you want?" I said

"Wake that ass up!" Ace said

I sigh and sit up in the bed

"Happy now?" I said mugging him


"You just call me to wake me up?"


I heard shuffling before QuanQuan got in the camera

"Aye tell yo sis to call me" QuanQuan said

"Nigga move" Ace said pushing him out the camera

I got up and went to Danielle's room

"Danielle, QuanQuan said call him" I said

"Ok" she said turning around

I went back in my room and find something to wear today. I lay my clothes out on my bed and went to the bathroom. I set my phone up on the counter and did my hygiene.

"What you doing jit?" Ace said

"Getting ready for today" I said grabbing my phone and walking back in my room

I put on my clothes and did my hair.

"What the move for today?" I said

"Movies!" Danielle said walking in my room

I nod

"Aye jits, we about to come over there" Ace said

"Ok" I said

Call Ended

Me and Danielle walk downstairs to the kitchen. I decided to cook us breakfast. I was in the mood for pancakes, bacon and eggs. So I cook that.

A Few Minutes Later

"Ouuu you cook!" QuanQuan said smiling

"Yup!" I said sitting my plate down

"Where my plate at?"

"Waiting for you to fix it"

"Oh it's like that" he said flicking my ear

I throw a piece of bacon at me

"Aye that's food you're waisting!" QuanQuan said sitting down

"What movie we seeing?" Ace said sitting next to me

"Truth or Dare" Danielle said

He nod

"You gonna be scare?" Ace said

"No" I said

"Yea aight" he said eating

5:45 p.m.

"Danielle take out picture right quick" I said

She nod and took our picture

She nod and took our picture

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Love,Pain&Betrayal Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora