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emma's pov

i hate waiting. I hold ethan's hand in my lap. "hey." ethan looks over at me. "i love you." i put my hand against his cheek. "thanks, love." ethan says quietly back.

"is anyone out here, waiting for grayson dolan?" a nurse says to the entire waiting room. ethan jumps up. i stand up as well. "is he okay?" ethan asks anxiously. "yes he is doing okay. he had to get a few stitches." ethan follows the nurse to grayson's room. "thank you." i smile at the nurse as we walk into gray's room.

"hey." grayson says as we walked in. "gray! i am so sorry bro. i love you." ethan goes over and hugs grayson gently. "ethan it's okay i forgive you man. love you too." ethan smiles and hugs grayson again. "hey gray." i walk over to sit on the hospital bed in front of ethan.

"em." he smiles at me. "you feeling okay?" i ask him gently. "yes, when can i go home?" grayson asks ethan and i. "i'll go ask." i stand up and walk out of the room to the nurses station near by. "hi I was wondering when grayson dolan can be released?" the nurse looks at me then at the paper. "he can be released now actually. i will send someone in." i smile at him. "thank you:)" then he looks into eyes. "you have gorgeous eyes." i turn away as the nurse stops me and turns me around. "you're pretty cu-" i cut him off. "i have a boyfriend." i do a toothless smile at him and walk quickly into grayson's room.

"they will be sending someone in shortly." grayson nods and him and ethan continue talking. i join in as well but i am very confused and i keep on thinking about what happened. "emma! em?" ethan waves his hand in front of my face. "oh sorry! i-i." the door opens. a doctor comes in and checks grayson's head.

"you can go home. just take it easy." the doctor shakes grayson's hand as he gets up and puts on his shoes with the help of ethan and i. "let's go." ethan grabs my hand as we walk out. i see that asshole nurse look over as ethan has his hand in my back shorts pocket. (okay so i have an obsession with 16 candles sorry!) the nurse looks pissed. whoops. not my fault.

"we are home!" ethan yells as he parks the car. he woke me up. "fuck off." i say as i begin to fall back asleep. "nope let's go. you can sleep in my bed." ethan helps me out and gray out as well. "gray you need to chill. okay?" ethan is acting like a parent. "okay going to my room. probably gonna see if vanessa(merrell) can come over." i smirk at grayson. "go get her man." he laughs at me. "ass hat." gray smirks. "i'm going to fucking sleep. ethan come and cuddle with me in a bit. oh and i'm wearing one of your sweatshirts. thanks babe!"

i enter into ethan's room and see a messy bed. i jump onto it and grab my phone out of my pocket. i scroll through twitter while getting comfy in ethan's bed. "i'm tired as fuck." i say to myself. i'm taking a nap.

grayson's pov

"hey nessa, do you wanna come over and hangout for a bit. I can't do much today because me and my idiot twin brother were fighting and now i had to get stitches." i hear her laugh over the phone. her laugh is so cute!

"gray sounds fun, i'll be over in 10 minutes?" vanessa asks. "ya sounds good. see ya;)." she hangs up the phone. i go and grab a cup of water from the kitchen and i chill in the living room waiting for her.

ethan's pov

"em?" i walk into my room and see her sleeping. "aww baby." i take a picture of her sleeping. she is such a cutie. then i get into bed and pull her body closer to mine and wrap my arms around. "you are safe, you are loved, you are my everything." i whisper to emma and kiss the top of her head then i fall asleep with emma in my arms.

grayson's pov

"nessa! it's been awhile." i hug her. "it has, how are you?" vanessa up looks at me. "i've been better. wanna sit?" we both chuckle and go over to the couch. "so how are you?" she sits on the couch kind of close to me. "i have been okay. been extremely busy. are you in a relationship?" she asks me casually. "oh no, i'm not. ethan is, he is kind of dating emma. don't repeat that though, it's a secret." i do hand quotes. nessa laughs and grins at me. "same, i am lonely but roni is dating aaron. so i've been lonely." i so feel her. "i get you." i scoot over a bit closer to her on the couch.

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