Chapter 2- Thoughts about life

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After my kiss with Hunter, we didn't speak. Well, he tried calling and texting, but I didn't answer. I didn't know what to do, so my best solution was to just ignore it. Shitty of me, I know. 

We flew to Seattle the next week and I started to get ready for my biggest concert yet. I was nervous, but excited. This was the first tour that had football stadiums, and I couldn't wait. 

I did my hair, put on my makeup, and then I made the walk to the stage. My legs felt like lead, the closer I got, the harder is was for me to walk. I could hear the crowd, and I felt a small smile creep up to my face. They are all here to see me. I am the luckiest girl in the world. I take a deep breath and run out onto the stage.


The whole stadium roared. I lived for looking out to 30,000 people all there for me. My fans made me who I am today and I was ready to give them my all.

I sang my heart out that night. This was my passion and I never want to give it up.

For the next 18 days, I was on tour on the west coast. It was filled with joy and laughter, and I am so lucky to have a great crew along with us. My next tour date wasn't for another week, so we went to Boston to visit my dad and see the new house.

"Oh my God this place is huge!"

Our house, or mansion I should say, was on a private beach and must be 10,000 square feet. The house had a light beachy feel and the entire backside of the house had floor to ceiling windows so you could take in the view. The foyer was so elegant, yet so welcoming. This place was amazing, and might even be better than our house in Los Angeles.

"How could anyone not love this? Dad its amazing." I gave him a small hug, and I felt him kiss the top of my head.

This is better than I was thinking it would be and the best part is being here with my parents.

"Alexa! Start planning your outfits for the concerts! You have 25 shows that span from Colorado to Kentucky and I don't want you stressing on those flights."

"Ok mom!" She was a planner, and I wasn't. I liked throwing clothes on the plane and picking the night of, made things more special, even though I know it stresses me out. 

This stretch of the tour will be a long one, but fun. 

For the next few days, we went to the beach, explored Boston, and just had family time.

"HA! I got Marvin Gardens! I win!" We were in the middle of one our famous game nights. Currently I was kicking ass at Monopoly.

"Oh damn! How do you always win?" My dad can never seem to beat me. We've played hundreds of times, but he can't quite beat me yet.

"Haha, you know I'm good at this stuff dad." He gives me an eye roll and rolls the dice. 

"Alexa, you should get some sleep. We leave at 5am tomorrow." My father and I look at each other, then to my mother. We know not to argue with her, so I oblige. 

"Ok. I love you guys."

"We love you too hun, goodnight." I started up the stairs when I heard my parents talking.

"How did we get such an amazing daughter Zack? I mean she is beautiful, smart, and has one hell of a voice."

"Well I know where she got her beauty from."

"Oh Zack you sweetheart."

I heard my parents talking about me and they make me realize how lucky I am to have a loving family.

5am wakeup. Now that was painful. I just wanted to get these shows over with so I can go to school. I am so excited! I know a kid should be stressing out, but I get to start over! I spent the whole plane ride thinking about school.

But then a thought came to my mind. I don't get to start over. The whole world knows me. I have to figure this out, but for right now, I have a show to start.

I'll be a junior in high school, and I really don't know how I'll handle swarms of kids being around me all the time, always wanting something from me. 

If only I could be somebody else..

During my tour, I was thinking about how to fix my problem. The only thing to do was cut my hair, dye it and change my name. I watch so many tv shows and movies and see how normal these kids look, and I want a life like that. I want a boyfriend, a best friend, a prom. I couldn't wait to just be a kid. Being 16 and having to act like an adult is stressful and I am desperately in need of a break from that.  

I was supposed to go to school for a week in between shows to get the hang of things. How was that a good idea? Why not just start when I'm finished? How would it look if the new girl started then disappeared for 3 more weeks, crazy that's how. I needed a way out of this. 

I made a phone call to a few of my friends, asking if they had any openings on their tours fro me to open on. I explained my situation to them, and they really felt for me. Especially Taylor Swift. I managed to get myself in to open for Taylor Swift, American Authors, Luke Bryan, and Katy Perry.

That filled my schedule so it was impossible to go to school until after my tour. I told my mom they called me and I couldn't turn down the opportunities. I called the school I would be attending and said I would be attending there starting October 1st. That gave me the weekend before to get ready.

High School, here I come.

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