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Things were going smooth this week, except the sudden visit of Keats, it was simple. I don't know how people didn't spread rumors here and there any time they get.

As usual I got up from my bed and moved to the bathroom to do my daily routine, I always do. I like going to school early, before every car of theirs come and crowd the place.

I don't usually take care unless Lani insists that I should, and that doesn't happen often. After getting done with everything I run to downstairs and was greeted with Dora's food, smelling and suffocating the house in a good way.

Kissing her cheek with a hi, I took the sandwich in my mouth half in my hand and took my phone, running outside before Lani gets me.

And maybe Bad people are always in life like a buzz in a toilet, or just somewhere else. And when you finally meet a good person you will be grateful.

I walk to class as usual dancing on the hallway just this time bad thing I forgot my headset home. Since there was no one at this time I was surprised hearing some voices from the geo department.

I know eavesdropping is like a really bad manner but this is Keats we're talking about..

I slowly stand at the door hiding my face from the door glass. Hearing his voice and other of his friends.

"-already a week and nothing" one his friends say. "You're giving him the money you dealt with"

"Guys, guys" Keats say"It's Anele we're talking about remember?"


"Yeah, you said that before too" the third person says.

"Don't worry" he say cockily I can say he is smirking. "I have 3 days left and by then I'll make her mine"

The things I can do now is blush, laugh and smile. Be happy so happy, that's it. I wanna scream and laugh audibly but nah, I don't want to get thrown from the twenty fifth floor with a good luck surviving.

I mean, who doesn't like it when someone you've been crushing on for so long, suddenly notice you?! Not me...am kinda sane

"You mean her virgin, cause we ain't talking about her now" the first devil say making my dreamland diminish and vanish into thin air, the happiness was replaced by a burn inside. Not the one I used to feel but the one we all hate, the one w/ch makes you think you're gonna die but nah, you won't, it just gives you false hope.

"Yeah" Keats say "That one"

A laugh is heared, anger boiling inside me...

"Remember Keats, it's 2 million worth" the second voice continued.

"Can't you see that she is madly in love with me & her pride.." he scoff "It means nothing to her compared to me" he laughs.

The laugh that I always listen as music to my ear, the laughter that I would have died for, well now, none of it is here. I feel ashamed for having crush on him, I pity my pathetic self.

I moved to the other stair, and sat. I sat quietly the tears rushing to my face. I should've known that he won't talk to someone, someone whose trash unless for a reason. I was supposed to know where I belong and resist whenever he comes to me and asked. I should've, could've


"Hey neighbour" I heared a voice.

No, no, not now please

"What" I replied wiping away the tear that washed my face.

Adler, my neighbour at US, and a classmate at elementary right there. His deep blue eyes, blonde hair and sharp jawline making him attractive. The pink lips completing his look.

"No need to wipe it" he say, his hand inside his pocket "I already saw it"

"Whatever" I say ready to move.

"What's up?" He seems kind of worried, his voice a little hint of it.

"Acting like you care, you're good at it" I scoff.

I know! a little, just a little harsh for someone who came to help me, for the first time worried. But I just need to be alone.

"Believe me, I could help you" he say "As a friend?"

"Don't worry," I say again refusing "I can deal with it"

Just like I did till now

"As you wish" he say moving to go "See you around?"

He was about to go, when I started talking without a hint of knowing what am rambling. I just knew I should talk, I have that feeling that I should so I did.

"Am feeling dead" I say seating while Adler pause hearing my words "I don't really know why, it wasn't even long that I knew him. I didn't even get to know him that well but I just feel dead, as silly as it sounds"

I needed this, I really needed the hug he gave me even though he don't even know me that well.

"How about a revenge?"
Eyo, sup dummies..how's everything, so I guess the little fun starts now. Yeah little but don't get mad will try repairing my mind and pulling shits to make u laugh out of it.

BTW, already continuing this book for a lovely person that commented me and voted for this book. Know that I totally love you and hope u all the best.

So I need you to vote, it really help and share me some ideas too commenting you can pm me as well. Lov ya all

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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