When they parted from a kiss a moment later, with shy smiles and hazed eyes, Midnight swayed a little, as tiredness struck him again.

'Nighty...' started Azure but got interrupted.

'I know- go to bed.' he nodded with closed eyes, then hugged her tight one more time. 'Good night, Azure.'

'Get good rest.' she purred in his arms, enjoying the warmth of his body, before he went to his bedroom.

Azure checked on sleeping Scarlet one more time, then curled on her own bed, all smiling and with heart still bumping wild.

When Azure opened door to Scarlet's room the next morning, he was sitting on bed already- hair in total mess, dark circles under eyes and pale skin- all this going somehow well with murder written all over his face.

'Oh, you are awake! How are you feeling?

'Like a Sunday morning.' he growled and Azure sighted, sitting  next to him on bed and putting hand on his forehead. 'I swear I will find a way to burn down every single particle of that demon wannabe to bloody ashes. Unless you two got rid of of him already? he asked.

'Well, no... Like you said, we couldn't do much against it so-'

'Mountain.'  Scarlet interrupted. 'It's the source of that phantom. Find seal and break it.'

Azure blinked, opening mouth. 'How are you so sure about it? What if someone is summoning that thing? You only saw some light there...' she frowned.

'Chakra. I saw source of chakra.' corrected boy. 'And in the moment that cursed ghost got me- I saw it different... like if the chakra of it mixed with my own. I can't explain but i saw it, ughhh...' he massaged sides of head, making Azure put hands glowing with healing chakra on his temples. 'Thanks, I have terrible headache. Anyway- there's some kind of seal there and this thing comes out of it. I think we just need to destroy it.'

'Or it's just some dream you had while being unconscious.'  Midnight stood in open door, arms crossed.

'Or we can as well try to find it?' Scarlet cussed his miserable state in that moment, as he didn't have enough strength to even argue with him.

'I won't risk anyone of us getting hurt again just because you think you saw something.' Midnight responded with ice-cold tone.

'It won't attack again now.' Scarlet picked up a cup of tea offered by Azure and took a sip.

'Well, people here said that even recently there was always at least few days between the times they saw that shadow.' Azure added, looking at Midnight, then at Scarlet again. 'if there's a chance we could make it today, maybe it's worth a try?'

'Listen to your girlfriend, Midnighty. She's a smart girl.' Scarlet took another sip.

Midnight opened and closed mouth looking at Azure, who was sitting there blushing, then at Scarlet who gestured at girl, drinking his tea.

'Ok, fine...' he finally said, with tone of defeat, pinching bridge of nose. 'In case of troubles, we will just throw Scarlet as a meal for that demon.

'Ahh, yes- I would love some breakfast~~' fire ninja sighed. 'And two more weeks of sleep.'

'I give you two hours. It's your idea after all, so go and try to be alive enough to help. See you later.' Midnight left room, closing door behind him.

'Love you too.' Scarlet threw after him then turned to Azure.  'Speaking of which- I don't get what you like in this dude but ok... How's it going?' he asked but didn't wait for a reply from embarrassed girl. 'Just sayin' that if he ever dare to hurt you- I'm here to make a kebab out of his pale butt.'

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