"We should rest here for the night, this storm will not blow over until the morning, Aiwendil remarked. Both Frodo and Sam slowly closed their eyes, as they welcomed sleep. However, Pippin lay on his back, wide awake and staring at the ceiling of the cave. Aiwendil looked sympathetically across at him, before coughing quietly to get his attention, 

"Peregrin, please don't act like this.." Aiwendil said quietly, watching as Pippin sat up slightly.

"You can call me Pippin, y'know." Pippin said bluntly at first, and then settled back down, "I can't help it Aiwendil.. I just miss her," He sighed, shuffling onto his side so he could meet the elf's gaze. Aiwendil smiled, 

"I know that I can't say I understand, as I have never felt romantic love for anyone before. But I do know how much you miss her, as I miss Lothiri just as much.." Aiwendil replied, causing Pippin to sit up again.

"You've never loved a lass before?.." Pippin asked inquisitively. Sure, Pipppin had had crushes on some of the pretty lasses in the shire before, but he'd never felt the way he did about Mallyra. She made him smile just by smiling herself, and he adored her quirky personality, along with her slightly fiery temper. He hated seeing her upset, and wanted nothing more than to know she was safe. To imagine himself without these feelings made it hard for Pippin to understand how Aiwendil had never felt this way about anyone. Aiwendil nodded slowly,

"I can't risk loving anyone." he said quietly, staring into the fire, his eyes shimmering. Pippin frowned,

"W-Why not?" stammered Pippin, pulling his coat tighter around himself. Aiwendil shook his head,

"Now is not the time to discuss such things.. Pippin. Now, get some rest. We're going to need our strength if we're to wade our way through that snow tomorrow." he muttered, shuffling down onto his back, and quickly closing his eyes. Pippin stared in amazement, before he copied the elf. It was beginning to grow dark outside, as Pippin lay bathed in the fire light, thinking of Mallyra, and where she was. The touch of her lips lingered on his, as Pippin gazed out into the dark, wiping away a small tear with his scarf. 


The next morning, the four of them set out early, as to avoid being caught in anymore snow storms. The sky was clear blue, and the snow was up to the hobbits knees, as they trudged through. Luckily, Aiwendil lead the way, his longer legs making a trail for the hobbits to walk in. Pippin spent more of the morning squinting, as the sun reflected off of the snow and into his eyes, making it hard for him to see where he was going. This also resulted in him falling into a large snow drift. After about 7 hours of walking higher up the mountain side through the snow, it was Frodo who fell into the sun's reflective trap, skidded and landed face first into a huge snow drift to the left of them. Pippin thought it was hilarious at first, until Frodo pulled himself from the snow.

Frodo looked up slowly, to be met by the sight of two, huge flared nostrils. They snorted sharply, blowing icy cold air through Frodo's brown curls. Swallowing hard, the hobbit backed away, trying not to stumble as he walked backwards. The snow drift shifted, as the creature attached to the nostrils began to stir.

"So the tales are true.. you survived.." Aiwendil breathed. The hobbits looked back at him, their brows knitted into frowns of confusion. But before they could ask questions, their attention was drawn back to the snow drift. A low, throaty rumble began to echo from it, and within an instant, the surrounding snow had been whipped up around them in what seemed like a miniature blizzard. Frodo, Pippin and Sam covered their eyes, as the icy wind ripped at their hair. 

"What on Middle Earth is this thing?!" Pippin cried, trying to be get his friend's attention. As abruptly as it had started, the wind died, and the snow settled around them. Aiwendil brushed the snow from his tunic, and then placed a hand on Pippin's shoulder,   

"Not what, who." He answered, bowing his head slightly. The hobbits turned to where the snow drift had been. In it's place, sat a bright white silhouette. It was curled tightly, and looked like the snow hadn't moved at all. However, to the hobbit's surprise, the huge mass began to uncurl itself, revealing scales that shimmered blue in certain light, ridges, talons and horns.

"Frodo, Pippin, Sam.. meet Raena. The white dragon of the North." 

The sun died down a little, causing the silhouette to fade. The two nostrils were attached to a stout nose lined with small ridges. The rest of the dragons skull was stocky, much like it's body. It's eyes were icy blue and set deep into it's head, and were surrounded by protruding scales. The dragons scales were pure white in colour, and shone like mithril in the mid day sun. The dragon had two large horns running outwards from the side of its head, but didn't quite look like horns to Frodo. To him, they looked like icicles. The body and legs of the beast were also stocky and well built, with a line of what looked like shards of glass running down from it's haunches to the tip of its tail, where the glass like scales turned into a huge spikes of ice like knives. The dragons wings were not like any Frodo, Sam or Pippin had seen before, as they looked more like a bird's than Glasin's, but instead of feathers, there were huge flat scales which faded from white to transparent at the tips.

"Magnificent.." Frodo breathed, trying to stop his mouth falling open in awe. To his surprise, the soft voice of a maiden left the dragon's knife toothed mouth.

"Good afternoon, Gold Heart. It's been a while.."

LOTR: Shire Dragons - Pippin Took FFWhere stories live. Discover now