Chapter 22

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Mallyra stumbled backwards, her heart in her throat. In panic she turned and looked to Pippin, who was now running towards her. 

"We've gotta move Ra, I don't know what it is but it doesn't sound too friendly," he urged, pulling her to her feet. With her horse's bridle in one hand and Pippin's hand in the other, Mallyra ran out into the open where Aiwendil and Lothiri stood bearing their weapons. Another growl echoed out from the pit of the cave and Aiwendil's sword fell a little, but not as much as his mouth. 

"Khandriu?" he breathed, stepping forward. Two large, dark red eyes opened slowly in the shadows. The growling then stopped, and was followed by a snort of confusion. To the hobbits horror, yet another large reptilian figure made it's way out of the shadows, however, this dragon was almost half the size of Glasin, it's shoulders only being as tall as Aiwendil and it's neck holding it's head up to double his height. This dragon, Mallyra recognized well. It was a brass dragon, it's scales the colour of royal trumpets signaling a king's return. It's body shape was much like that of a ferret, long and slender with short, stocky legs. The scale plates running from the bottom of it's neck, under it's stomach and to the underside og it's tail were a deep red in colour, which was also the colour of it's wings. It's wings were huge in comparison to it's body running from it's shoulders to the tip of it's tail. On it's head was a crown of large horns and hornlets, and it's muzzle was short and stout. The dragon had a confused but what looked like a smile on it's face.

"You?.. but I thought you were?.." It spoke, it's voice sounding like that of a teenage boy, probably around 18 years of age.

"Why aren't we running?" Pippin asked quietly, looking up at Mallyra who, to his surprise was rather relaxed. 

"it's a brass dragon, they're friendly.. and mischievous according to my book," Mallyra said, looking up at the dragon in front of her and then reaching down into her bag for her book. Lothiri smiled down at her, before putting away her weapons to greet the dragon herself.

"Khandriu, it's been a while since I last laid eyes on you," she chuckled up at the dragon before her. The brassy coloured lips of the dragon curled into a more obvious smile.

"Yes it has Silver soul, for I was but a Wrymlling of 30 when I saw you last." his attention then turning to Aiwendil, " and you, Gold heart, I only saw you once when I was in my nest with my siblings." the dragons voice faded a little. "What are you doing here?" 

Aiwendil looked around at Mallyra and then summoned her to walk forward. "This hobbit. She's on a quest to save us all.. and we were assigned to help her fulfill that quest." He said proudly. his tone of voice made Mallyra feel all fuzzy inside, he sounded proud of her, a high ranking elf. 

While Mallyra was being introduced to Khandriu, the rest of the hobbits were sat around the campfire again. Merry had been watching the elves carefully as they spoke to the dragon before them, showing no remote signs of fear. 

"How do you think they know the dragon so well?" he eventually spoke, directing his question towards Frodo and Sam as they were more likely to respond with a more sensible answer than Pippin.

"I don't know.. " Frodo answered honestly, followed by a quiet nod from Sam in agreement. "And the drago-" 

"His names Khandriu.. but he likes to be called Khan." Mallyra interrupted, having sneaked up on them quietly. The three hobbits jumped at her presence, causing Pippin to snigger a little. Frodo apologised quickly, followed by Merry as they realised they'd been rather rude. "Why does he call them Gold heart and Silver soul?" Frodo then asked her, thinking she'd know. However, Mallyra didn't know the answer and shrugged a little. 

"hair colour?" she replied, which was met by an exasperated sigh from Merry. 

"You're as bad as Pippin." he added, looking up at her before they all began chuckling to themselves. Their laughter attracted the attention of the elves and the dragon alike, their curiosity getting the better of them. 

"What's so funny?" Lothiri smiled down at the hobbits. Sam looked up to the elf and nodded his head as a form of greeting. 

"Mallyra," he answered, before shifting his gaze upon the dragon. Khandriu had managed to encircle the whole camp with his whole body, and now had his head nestled alongside the fire. However, the large beast's presence made the party feel more protected than they had at any time before. The horses weren't too comfortable, but that was expected. They spent the rest of the evening listening to the dragon's tales. To the hobbit's surprise, they learned that he was 600 years old, a juvanile within his species. They also found out that he was one of only a few brass dragons left in the entire of Middle earth. Mallyra became more and more ensnared by the dragon with every passing minute. The beast was beautiful, his shimmering scales along with his deep red eyes and wings made him seem like a treasure of a dwaven king, one that was kept in a mountain of gold and worshipped by many. She hadn't seen such beauty within Glasin, but she put that down to the fact he tried to eat her.

It was the early hours of the morning when Khandriu stirred them all, his horns stuck out in all directions as he became alert to his surroundings. 

"Silver Soul, Gold heart, there is danger coming, you must go. Now." He insisted, his voice sounding like it hide a tone of panic. It also woke the hobbits quickly, as a dragon cannot whisper very well. 

"What's wrong?" Frodo asked, rubbing his eyes as he sat up and yawned loudly. The brass dragon swung it's head around to look at him.

"Elurka. She has found you." His cheerful tone of voice was now crackling in the back of his throat, showing how nervous he was now. Mallyra turned to Lothiri who had now drawn her bow, and recalled the conversation which they had inside Aethibryn's hall. 

"Elurka.. but isn't that?.." she asked her, her hands shaking slightly as she held her book open to the correct page. Lothiri nodded before reluctantly finishing the sentence.

"The blue dragon of Vasuka's council." 

(sorry this part's kinda short, I didn't have much time to write it, but I promise I'll be updating as regularly as I can from now on! E xx)

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