Chapter 21

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The morning passed quickly as Mallyra and the rest of the company began to prepare for the long journey ahead of them. Pippin had stayed quiet since Mallyra had told him they couldn't be together, and was beginning to drift in and out of his mind. Merry noticed this as he saddled up his horse, and walked over to his friend's side,

"Are you okay there Pip, you're a little quiet this morning and I keep seeing the way you're looking at Ra. Did something happen last night when you two were gone?" He asked, placing a reassuring hand on Pippin's shoulder. Pippin turned and smiled at his friend, a look of warmth spreading back over his face as he remembered their kiss. 

"I.. We kissed." He smirked, but then turned away in embarrassment. Merry's face lit up, and he went to congratulate his friend when Pippin turned back around to interrupt him. "But she said we can't be together." he added, sighing as he said it. The glow on Merry's face faded as he apologetically patted his friend on the shoulder once more.

"Oh.. did she say why?" Merry asked, casting a glance over to where Mallyra stood grooming her horse's mane. Pippin frowned a little,

"Now that I think about it, not really.. she just said it was for my own good." He turned back around and pulled tightly on his horse's bridle before leading it over toward the gates of the village. Merry stood still for a moment and then began to walk over to Mallyra.

"Ra, can I speak to you for a minute?" He asked politely, watching as the mass of waved brown hair was flipped from Mallyra's face as she turned to face him.

"Sure?" She replied, looking up at Merry rather confused. Merry shuffled a bit.

"Why's it for his own good for Pippin to not be with you? What do you know that he can't?" He asked bluntly, watching as Mallyra's face dropped a little.

"I.. er." She stuttered nervously. Merry watched as Ra cast a quick glance toward Lothiri in panic. He screwed up his face in confusion. 

"What's Lothiri said?" He asked quietly. Mallyra swallowed a little bit, recalling Lothiri's words from just a few night ago, as well as her warning of Merry's intelligence. She looked around awkwardly trying to find something to say.

"I.. I just needed to tell him something other than the truth." She signed, gritting her teeth in an attempt to hide the fact she was thinking of a way to bluff her way out, "I don't want to be with him, but couldn't bring myself to tell him that." She lied, feeling her gut drop as she said it. How could she do this? Merry was sure to tell Pippin what she'd said and then he'd hate her forever. Or was that the best way to go about avoiding him being hurt? Questions flooded her head, making her feel a little feint. With a shake of her head, she forgot them and silently mounted her horse, completely ignoring Merry's question he'd just asked her. "Just don't tell him.."

Riding her black horse down to gates of the village, Mallyra looked down at the saddlebags full of food and provisions that she'd need on the journey to the Iron Hills. Lothiri had shown her a map the night before, indicatiing how far they had to travel. She hadn't said it at the time, but Mallyra had been scared of the huge amount of ground they had to cover. Time was ticking onward quickly, and she was terrified she wasn't going to make it in time. Her daydream was sliced through by Frodo and Sam pulling their horses alongside hers. Osment gave a sharp snort, before nudging the horse next to him. Mallyra smiled, and then looked across at Sam. He too was distant this morning, but why, Mallyra wasn't sure. Frodo on the other hand, had a wide smile on his face. He enjoyed the fresh air and was eager to get underway. Now everyone had mounted their horse, and were lined in in single file at the village gates, with Aiwendil leading the way.

"It's been a pleasure and an honour housing your party, and I hope you stop by on your return from the far lands." Aethibryn said as he bowed before the elves. The Lord then took one step towards Lothiri, who was riding behind Aiwendil, and held out his hand. Lothiri held out hers too, blushing as the Lord took it and kissed her knuckle gently. "May you have the wind under your wings and fly with speed across the land," he continued, holding the she elf's gaze for a few moments more before backing away and projecting his voice more. "Now go! This earth depends on your speed!" he cheered. "I wish you all the luck in the world!" 

LOTR: Shire Dragons - Pippin Took FFOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora