40: temper tantrums.

Começar do início

"What do you think?" Jeonghan asked, almost nervous.

"I think it really suits you," said the older man.

Jeonghan grinned. "Thank you, Eunha," he said, hugging the hair stylist. "I wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

"I'm glad you love it," she answered, "I only gave a slight nudge to make you go all the way."

"It turned out to be a good choice," Jeonghan replied. "How much is it all together?"

"It's already been paid for," Eunha told him with a grin.

He frowned, turning to see his step-father smiling at him. "You didn't have to - I should pay you back, it was expensive."

"Don't be silly," the older told him, handing him an iced coffee, "It's my treat."

"Thank you again, Eunha!" Jeonghan called, waving as he left the shop. "I'll be back next time I feel like a drastic change."

"I'll bear that in mind! Good luck with everything," she replied, waving back.

"Nice place," his step-father commented as they headed back to where his car was parked.

"Yeah, I'm surprised I'd never gone there before," Jeonghan replied, sipping on his iced coffee as they waited to cross the road. "Well, I don't think I would have done that before, but whatever." He noticed the passing stares from some girls as they went by, whispering and giggling to each other. He glanced up to see a young man hurriedly avert his gaze from across the street.

Jeonghan smiled to himself, sliding his hand into the pocket of his jeans. People were looking at him. They liked what they saw. For once he didn't feel like a specimen under a microscope, his skin didn't crawl when people looked at him, and he actually found himself liking the attention.

"I think you've become popular," his step-father suggested. "Lots of young women - and men -  are looking at you, you know."

"Oh, I noticed," Jeonghan replied, startled to find himself sounding a little smug.

His step-dad threw him a look. "I suppose you'll start dating soon," he remarked, making Jeonghan look at him quickly.

"What makes you say that?" he demanded, his step-father chuckling.

"Just that you probably won't find it a problem, whoever you take a fancy to," he said, unlocking the car and getting in.

"Would it bother you who I decided to date?" Jeonghan questioned getting in also and reaching for his seatbelt.

His step-father shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me. As long as you're happy. And I know that you and I haven't seen eye to eye these past years, but for what it's worth, I do care about you, Jeonghan."

"Thanks," he mumbled. Maybe this weekend wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

But he was wrong.

Entering his house that early afternoon was the worst thing he could have imagined.

"Honey, we're home," his step-father called as he opened the front door, letting Jeonghan go in first.

Jeonghan took off his trainers and left them by the stairs, starting to feel a little hungry after the iced coffee. He froze at the living room door when he heard voices and laughter.

"Are you going in?" his step-dad asked, closing the front door behind him. "What do you fancy for lunch?"

"Lunch?" he echoed.

"Yeah, figured I might cook something," the older man said with a smile. He paused, listening. "Ah, I think your mother has some friends round."

Shit, Jeonghan thought. His mother's friends were the moms of the kids he went to school with. The kids who hated him, isolated him, talked about him behind his back. Nakamoto Yuta had been the only one who was remotely nice to him during those years. Jeonghan wondered how the Japanese guy was doing now.

small words || jeongcheolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora