7. Roller Coaster

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Friday arrives in the blink of an eye. I had spent the last three days going to class and working in the studio that Josh had shown me to prepare for my audition and now today was the day. Today I was going to audition for The Nutcracker and it would go one of two ways; I'd be incredible and get the part or I'd stumble and lose out to a better ballerina. 

"You're up early" Josh observes as he wanders into the kitchen while I'm standing behind the counter warming up discreetly with my third cup of coffee sitting in front of me. "You aren't nervous are you?" he asks playfully and I shoot him an unamused glare that makes him laugh as he walks past me towards the fridge. 

"What are you planning to do all day while I'm at auditions?" I ask curiously and he sighs, hoisting himself up onto the counter beside me, effectively putting an end to my warm-ups much to my dismay. 

"Bridget called us in again" he explains. "The label hated one of the songs so we're basically back to the drawing board with it." I frown. I knew he was working his ass off for this album but I never realized just how much work it really was. I thought they'd go into the studio and record some stuff and an album would appear. I didn't even consider the fact that after the recording process ended that the label could deny it and send them back to start again. 

"I'm sorry babe."

He shrugs. "It's not your fault. I'll be alright but after your audition I do want to take you out so meet me at the studio afterwards, okay?" I smile, nodding my head in agreement. A night out with my man sounded like the perfect way to spend my evening. "Great and now that we have that settled" he begins, jumping down off the counter. "Finish getting ready and I'll drive you" he smiles, pecking my lips and my heart skips a beat. I was so glad we had made up before my audition. I don't think I could've left my all on the dance floor if there was this dark cloud hanging over me. 

"I love you" I murmur, wrapping my arms around his neck as I gaze into his soft, blue eyes. 

"I love you too ballet girl" he teases and I laugh. It had been a long time since he used that certain term of endearment on me. Sometimes I forgot all the little, goofy things from the start of our relationship; it felt like it was forever ago and not just a short year between then and now. 

I kiss him once more before finally loosening my hold on him and walking past him to go and change for my audition. 


People. So many people. As I look around the room at my competition I can't but think about how much better they all probably are and it causes knots to form in my stomach. It wasn't like I didn't think about the other people auditioning but thinking and seeing them were two completely different things and I was a nervous wreck. I sit in my seat with my leg shaking up and down uncontrollably. I could really use Josh right now with some calming words.

"Maya Hunter" the woman in charge says and my heart leaps out of my chest. It was my turn. It was time to face the music...and a panel of judges. 

I put on a brave face and stand up, gliding into the room on auto pilot. There are three people on a panel sitting in the center of the auditorium and I recognize one of them as the director. The woman calling names leads me onto the stage and hands me a remote, telling me to start the music when I'm ready before walking off and leaving me alone in center stage. 

This was it. This was the moment that I had been working for since I was a little girl. This was my dream staring me right in the face. I would either make it or break it right now, in this moment. 

"You got this baby girl." My head whips around and I find my mother standing behind me with an encouraging smile on her face. I feel as if I'm about to burst into tears but I hold them back and glue a smile onto my face as I turn back to face the judges. 

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