How Dirty Women Can Be

Start from the beginning

The other two girls were already lying in one of the two beds, so Dennis walked towards the free one. Softly, she took the teen's body and placed it in the mattress. With a sigh, he took a few seconds before turning to the door and leaving the room, leaving the girl so tired from all the concentration that she fell asleep right after.


"Mabel, wake up. Please, wake up..."

The distant voice of a worried girl finally pulled the Mabel's body out of its long lethargy. Slowly, her numb limbs started to move from fingers to arms and from toes to legs. With a grunt, the teen sat on the uncomfortable bed, pulling the hood off her head, rubbing her eyes and hair.

She took a moment to look around. The room was small and cold, with plastered and wooden ceiling and rock walls. An even smaller bathroom was out of keeping with the rest of the room, with porcelain white ceramic and perfectly clean mirrors. A small, ocher colored flower was carefully placed inside a glass on the sink. As Mabel turned her head to her bed again, she saw a similar flower placed on the pillow with the same care.

"Thank God, you're okay." Finally, Mabel recognized Claire as the owner of the voice and looked at her, confused. She was hugging Marcia, who seemed to be as terrified as her. They were both shaking, probably already aware of their precarious situation. Another flower, just like the other two, was lying on their pillow. "Do yo know what happened to my dad? Did you see him?"

The albino negated with her head, looking down. Claire held a whimper and cleaned her wet eyes.

"What about Casey? Where is she?" Her best friend's name made her eye twitch.

Just when she was about to answer that she made it out of the car and should be probably reporting what happened right now, the familiar sound of a key unlocking the door made her shut up and look straight at the source of the sound while Claire and Marcia hugged between them even more tightly.

Their infamous captor entered the room without saying a word, a frightening and unsettling aura surrounding him.

He placed a chair on the center and sat on it after cleaning the surface, crossing his arms. After a few seconds and with an equally serious and threatening face, started to individually look at each girl. Firstly, he looked at Claire and Marcia, who immediately looked away, trembling. Slowly, as if he was savoring the moment, he turned her head and stared deeply at her. Mabel felt her head starting to burn.

Look at him. Look at him!

No, don't do it! He wants the challenge. He wants a reason to hurt you.

He already has it! Look at him.

He'll think you're a whore. That you want him. are a whore!

Pathetic whore. Coward. Don't look at him.

Mabel was really thankful that her hair covered her whole face right now, she couldn't afford to let the man seeing her cry. She didn't know what to do and, as she clenched her fists around the metallic bar that supported the mattress, she decided to not make things more difficult for herself and kept staring down, feeling helpless.

Dennis chuckled, full of himself at her reaction. Now they were on his territory, and he knew they would not dare to behave wrongly. Because he was in control and would likely be for a long while, his mind filled with lustful thoughts about the three girls, specially about the pale one. It was the one that intrigued him the most-how would her ivory skin blush with embarrassment as she danced for him and how would it taste after it became sweaty. Would it be as cold as when he touched her for the first time? He wanted to know it more than anything. Then, he looked at her knuckles, who were bone white due to how hard she was gripping the mattress.

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