I shake my head and sigh. "I think she's too sick to do the interview, she looks terrible."

Fat lie, Billie always looks fine as hell.

She frowns and we both go back upstairs to check on her. I have to hold back a laugh when I see that while I was downstairs Billie had sprinkled a bunch of tissues all over her bed, messed up her hair completely and wrapped herself up in all her fuzzy blankets to make it look like she's colder than she should be.

"Oh, honey," Maggie frowns and sits down on the edge of the bed, bringing her hand up to Billie forehead. "You're burning up!"

Wonder how she pulled that off.

"I can still do the interview," Billie rasps and I bite back a laugh again. She sounds really convincing.

"No, absolutely not. You need rest," Maggie says and shakes her head as she gets off the bed. "I'll call your managers then bring you up some tea."

"I can do it," I chime in and smile slightly. "I'll take care of her, you do whatever you had planned for today."

"Such a sweetie," Maggie says with a smile and pinches my cheek. "I'll check in on you two later, but I have a lot of phone in meetings today. You come get me if you need anything though, okay? You're more important."

We watch her leave and I can't help but smile to myself, what an amazing woman.

"I feel bad for lying to her, she's so damn kind," I say with a chuckle once I know she's out of earshot and Billie nods.

"Yeah, me too."

I sit down on the edge of her bed and lean in to peck her lips gently.

"You look so cute wrapped up in all those blankets. Like a little penguin."

I take out my phone to take a picture and when I see how cute it is I immediately set it as Billie's contact picture.

"Don't call me cute, bro," she says and scrunches her nose, making me chuckle.

"Then don't be cute," I reply and lean in to kiss her again, for longer this time. She cups my cheeks sweetly as we kiss and I can't help but smile against her lips. I'll just never get over how it feels to kiss this amazing girl.



"I think I was promised some hot tea," she says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Coming right up, princess."

Around noon, Maggie comes in to check on Billie again. She finds us cuddled up with a pile of blankets surrounding us, watching The Princess Bride on Billie's laptop in front of us. It's my favorite movie to watch when I'm sick, so I figured it was fitting for a fake sick day.

"Callie, you'll get sick!" she says with a gasp and I shrug. Even if Billie was actually sick I'd still cuddle her like this. Germs be damned.

"Oh well," I reply and she shakes her head in amusement.

"I'm making some soup for lunch," she says and Billie perks up at the thought of food. "Do you think you'll be up for a session with your choreographer this afternoon?"

Billie shakes her head quickly. "Definitely not. If I move around too much I'll fucking hurl."

I frown slightly to myself. I thought she'd at least go to dance rehearsal. She loves to dance, she always talks about how it's one of her escapes.

Once Maggie leaves the room I stop Billie from unpausing the film and turn to look at her.

"You don't even want to dance?" I ask with a pout and brush some hair off of her forehead and out of her eyes.

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now