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{Chapter: 2}


I had arrived at my Grandma's house. As I suspected, there she was, rolling pin in one hand and waiting in front of the door. I sighed.

"I'm sorry alright? Okay, I got a little carried away but as always," I stopped and sighed. "Carla was, y'know, there.". Grandma looked at me, her lips pouted. "I, am tired of all your crap OK? If you keep on like this i'll have you out in a second, moved in with Carla.". Yeah, sure, with Carla. I followed Grandma into the kitchen where she was making a pie. Apple pie.

The gates of Heaven have opened. Apple pie is being made.

I licked my lips and looked at the pie crust. Grandma took a note. "Oh no,no no no. This is not for you young man. This is for Mr.Clinton, you know the land-lord? Yeah, he's coming over, we need to speak about house renovations.". I looked at her, 'real let down grandma'. "House renovations? O-okay no, why do you need house renovations, what happened?". She put down her rolling pin and sighed looking up at me. "Some young folks broke in last week and wrecked the house some.." She stopped. "They-they uh, they stole your pendant.". My pendant. My pendant. The pendant, my mother gave to me. The pendant that held what was left of her ashes. "No, no way. Grandma did you see how they looked like? D-did you-". She put her hand on my chest and pushed back a little. "No, no no.". "Grandma did you see how they-listen, okay did you see their faces?". We were both talking and our words jumbled up. "No, no they did'nt-they had masks on. But listen that's not important, Mr.Clinton he uh, he'll be here in a second so, if you would kindly go clean the living room up a little, I-i'd appreciate that.". She turned around and ignored me, she continued making the pie crust. I gulped and nodded. "Yea-yeah i'll go, i'll go do that.". I turned around and walked into the living-room. The pillows were only slightly scattered and there were a few cups on the table. I picked up the cups and carried them to the kitchen, quickly returning to fix the pillows. There was a knock. I raised my voice. "Come in!". Carla walked in, as always, she was wearing black combat boots and a mix between baggy and skinny jeans with several pockets. She had a leather jacket and a black shirt under it. Today, her hair was in a messy pony-tail and had a ruffled bang at the side of her head. She smiled. "I smell pie.". "Christ women, it is'nt even in the oven yet.". She looked nice, I like my women messy, but, you know. Carla is'nt my type. "Hey, hey. I know i'm nice but don't drool there buddy.". I stopped staring and plopped down with a relieved breath. Oh my feet, yes, no more running.". "Carla! We have something going down over at Esper street, some boys are ganging up on a young lady." Her watched blurted. Carla smirked and patted my shoulder. "Come on buddy, we gotta get going.". I groaned as I stood up and off of the sofa. "Grandma! We got a job, bye! Save me some pie!". She peeked out of the kitchen and shooed me."Yeah,yeah just get going.". I shrugged and walked out with Carla.

"Esper streets' this way." She pointed left. Once again, she grinned.

"Come on. Let's go save this Damsel in Distress."




A/N: JESUS FUCK. FINALLY. *sigh*. I had to re-write the "She peekes out of the kitchen and shooed me" part, down to the last line like 5 fucking times because I kept pressing the "Undo" button on accident. But as you can see. I finally finished. Yeah and sorry for the crappy chapter. I was watching Parks and Rec. And Doctor Who so tbh I just felt like writing fanfiction but I decided to move my lazy ass and write Rune. So yeah, sorry for the language. Anyhow, please comment and Rate.

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