War of the Sports Festival!

Start from the beginning

"Yeh that was forever ago when we were like eight idiot! I hope I get to fight you today as Dad won't be able to stop me!" you say through gritted teeth turning to Katsuki "Morning love you!" taking him by surprise before kissing on the lips. "Hmm!" is all you get back before he goes to sit on his own, you just shake your head and start stretching out.

Everyone was chatting amongst themselves about what the challenges will be, it not being fair we had to wear gym kit etc. Iida comes running in the room "EVERYONE ARE YOU READY? WE WILL BE ENTERTAINING SOON!" You grab Katsuki's hand and smile at him chatting to Kirishima and Kaminari as they were sat on the table with you.

"Midoryia" you look over to see Todoroki walking over to Midoryia with a bored expression as usual and his hands in his pockets. "Todoroki? What is it?" the green-haired boy turns to face the boy in question, as well as everyone in the room including the ash-blonde next to you.

"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you!" a bold statement from the boy with red and white hair. This clearly peaked Katsuki "Huh?!" you hear him mutter. "Y-yeah..." the confused freckled boy responds.

"But...All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?" Midoryia appears to sweat a little at the remark before the other boy continues "I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you." This makes the green hair boy start to shake. "Oh? Is the best in class making a declaration of war?" you look over to see Kaminari clearly getting fired up on the situation. Kirishima, however, looks stunned getting up and walking over to Todoroki placing his hand on his shoulder with a big grin.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? Not now we're about to start!" the red-haired boy trying to ease the tension, you could already see Katsuki glaring and clenching his fist and jaw. Todoroki pushes passes Kirishima "We're not here to play at being friends." the statement was as cold as his ice quirk "So, what does it matter?" clearly done he heads to the door.

Looking at Midoryia who is looking down clenching his own fists "Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course, you're better than Me." the small boy's voice is quiet but echoes through the room making Todoroki stops and to turn. "I think you're more capable than most people, looking at it objectively" this is starting to get to Katsuki you try grabbing his hand but he pushes off, whilst Kirishima tried to defuse the situation with Midoryia and Todoroki.

"Midoryia, you shouldn't talk so negatively..." the red-haired boy is cut off by that of the green haired boy. "But, everyone -- the students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got!" clenching his fists tighter "I can't afford to fall behind!" Todoroki looks at the boy in the eyes "I'll be going for it with everything I've got too!" turning his head to the side before walking away his only response is "Yeah!" before continuing to the door.

You look at your boyfriend who is seething with rage most likely because Todoroki declared war with the boy he calls Deku and not him.

Out in the stadium, Present Mic is commentating along with the mummified version of Mr. Aizawa. "HEYYY!" he shouts to the stadium causing a massive cheer. "Pay attention, audience!" he pauses "Swarm, mass media!" the crowd is roaring.

"This year's high school rodeo of the adolescence that you all love, the U.A Sports Festival is about to begin!" he calls out making the crowd ease down a little. "It's time for the students of the first year stage!" with that you all walk out on to the field you know somewhere in the sea of people, is your mum, dad, Alex, Hoshi and even people from work. Looking around though it's massive and nerve-wracking you look over to Katsuki he doesn't pay attention to you when you feel someone grab your hand and looking over its Leo.

"We got this!" he smiles as you nod back with your own smile. "The Miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of steel!" with this the crowd went wild. You hear Kirishima who is stood with Katsuki "I'm getting nervous are you Bakugou?" but the boy in question looked forward with a smirk "No I'm just getting more into it!"

All the other classes are introduced, class 1-b, general studies, support studies and business studies. The referee of the games is the R-Rated hero Midnight, her costume is extremely revealing. "Time for the pledge!" she calls out seduction purring through her voice.

"Ermm Someone should talk to Ms Midnight about what she is wearing?" looking over you see Kirishima's cheeks as red as is hair, with Kaminari next to him looking the same "Yeah that costume should come with a warning" Tokoyami looks a little concerned "Is it ok for her to be at a high school game?" Mineta is loving it of course.

"Quiet everyone!" Midnight cracks her whip "Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugou from Class 1-A!" your all shocked "I guess that hot head did finish first in the entrance test!" Sero reminds everyone. Katsuki walks up to the stage with his hands in his pockets looking well bored in all honesty. You have a bad feeling about what he will be saying though and his mum will most likely clip him round the back of the head later.

"Ahem only for the hero course!" some girl makes a snide remark. "That girl clearly hates us!" the sellotape quirked boy states "Yep and we have Bakugou to thank for that!" Kaminari huffs clearly annoyed. Everyone is silent waiting for him to speak. "I just want to say I'm going to win!" literally his voice sounded bored to be there your whole class is mortified, as all the other students are booing. A little disappointed you put your head in your hands shaking your head, this may change your parent's opinions of him.

Waving his arm back and forth Iida walks up to the stage "Why would you say that it's so disrespectful?" he yells at the boy on stage who just turns "It's not my fault your just stepping stones to my victory!" putting his thumb down and walking off stage loads of students outraged.

After that Midnight announces the first game of the festival is an obstacle race and all classes will be part taking. She also advises you're free to do anything as long as you stay on the course. "Now take you places contestants" She yells and with that, you line up ready to start the day you look other at Katsuki who just glances before looking back, then at Leo who gives you a thumbs up.

With that, the buzzer goes and you're off...

****Thank you again for reading. I don't own the BNHA Characters or the pictures****

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