Chapter 3

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**Hey, so this chapter is a bit rushed but I hope you like it :)

Don't forget to comment and vote :D **

Chapter 3

I rushed up the concrete steps and walked across to flat 20. I tried the key in the door and went to unlock it, it wouldn't turn. I knocked hard on the door but no-one answered. So I would have to wait until someone came home with the right key.

"What's your problem?" A faintly familiar, hoarse voice came from behind me. I turned on the balls of my feet and met Taylor's soul-searching brown eyes. Mark was sneering at his own humorous remark. "What? Are you stalking me now?" I replied sarcastically.

Taylor chuckled deeply and then he went and burst my bubble.

"Um, no I live there," he pointed towards number 21, one down from the door I now call home.

"Don't flatter yourself!" Mark, who, since he'd stopped talking, I had forgotten was there.

"Don't jump to conclusions, either of you." He added with a wink.

"Oh, so where's the rest of your posse?" I asked.

"Well, Alex lives one floor down, Spike lives two blocks down and Gin lives down the hill on one of the big estates." Taylor's eyes never left mine until Spike's voice echoed up the empty stairwell.

"Taylor, Mark, Come quick! It's Gin. Hurry!!" Fear thick in his voice.

"Taylor, we have to go, now!" Mark pushed against Taylor's muscle lined chest, unable to move him.

"We'll be right back." He turned and ran down the stairs, his footsteps echoing behind him. I listened intently as they raced to see what the problem was. I was curious. So I edged my way towards the top of the stairwell.

"Spike! Where's Gin?" Taylor's mystical voice was clouded with urgency.

"She's round the corner." The echo made them seem further than they actually were.

The four boys came around the corner a few minutes later carrying Gin who had blood seeping through a gash on her right temple and had slick, wet mud all over her hands and cheeks.

Taylor, worry spreading across his flawless features, met my eyes as they reached the top of the stairs. There was a flash of urgency in them as he turned back to Alex. There was a slight hesitation and they all looked momentarily lost for words.

"She seemed fine before, I didn't think she had drunk that much."

"Wait. She's been drinking?" I asked them.

There was another slight hesitation before Alex replied:

"Yeah, why?"

"It's only six o'clock!" I replied, shocked.

"Why else do you think we would all call her Gin? Einstein." Mark said sarcastically, after a nudge from Alex.

I shot him a look but his eyes were averted to the girl, lying in the boys' arms. There was a dark patch of red, on the torso of his light grey hoodie. Gin was losing a lot of blood; the colour was draining quickly from her face.

"She can sleep it off at mine." Taylor told the boys, pushing strands of stray hair from his eyes.

"Do you need me to do anything?" I asked, whilst they were easily hauling her up the last steps.

"We need you for two things. One: here take these," and Taylor handed me a key ring with four keys attached to it, each one decorated with its own individual pattern. There was also a blue tag that had green letters and an intricate pattern inscribed on it, I couldn't understand what any of it meant, so I made a mental note to ask Taylor about it later. "And use the black key with the silver smiley face. It's the key to my flat." I did as I was told, walking up the stairs, ahead of the three boys who followed, carrying Gin's tiny body.

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