Chapter 6: The Fortune-teller's Predictions

Start from the beginning

I know that it's rude to stare, but I can't help myself as the man exchanged pleasantries with the others. This man is the guy who was attacked by a platypus bear in the show. Where's the platypus bear? My head gives a huge throb of pain again and I stifle the cry of pain threatening to escape. 

Why is everything changing?

"Hey man, did you meet any platypus bear that tried to attack you during your journey?" I ask the stranger as I walk to where they're standing. I know that was a weird question, but I can't think of other ways to put it.

The man looks at me with disdain on his face. "Well, I certainly have not met any form of attacks, as Aunt Wu had predicted a safe journey for me, weird-clothed one."

"Aunt who?" Aang asks while I roll my eyes at the man's choice of words. Get over my clothes!

"This doesn't make any sense..." I mutter and clutch my head, which is giving spasms of pain. Why is the storyline changing? According to Aang, everything else that happened before my arrival was just the same as in the show. Why is it different now?

Not noticing my suffering, the others continues their conversation with the stranger.

"No, Aunt Wu," he is saying. "She's the fortuneteller from my village," he pauses slightly. "Often nice knowing about your future."

"Alright, I have to go now. Have a good journey," the man announces with a polite bow, and walks away. But before he took more than a few steps, he is back again, this time handing us a long package. "Also, Aunt Wu told me to give this to any travelers I meet."

Katara looks thoughtfully at the parcel as the man leaves, "Maybe we should go see this Aunt Wu. Get to learn our futures."

As Sokka scoffs at Katara's idea, Aang starts tearing open the brown package. The pain in my head slightly lessens, and the suffocating feeling lifts. The questions in my head immediately seem less important as I remember what is inside the parcel from the show.

"It's an umbrella," I tell Aang confidently.

"Well whaddaya know? It is an umbrella!" Aang says in surprise, opening the red umbrella. "How did you know, Luna?"

Right when I open my mouth to reply, a rumble comes from the clear blue skies, and it's suddenly dark. Rain starts pouring down on us.

Stupidly, I instinctively put my hands up like I'm trying to hold off the water. As if that can work, I think as I walk briskly to where Aang is, under the protection of the big umbrella.

Surprisingly, I realise I'm not touched by a single drop of water once I'm under the umbrella. I look up from the ground to see Aang staring at me with his mouth wide open. I get a bit distracted by the even-ness of his teeth. "You're a...You're a waterbender! Why didn't you tell us you're a bender!?"

I stare a few seconds more at his teeth, feeling sludgy. When his words finally work into my brain, I look back at him, feeling shocked at what he just said. I cross my arms over my chest uncomfortably as I slouch to stay under the umbrella. Aang is really short, so I can't stand straight. "Come again?" I ask in disbelief, almost sure that I heard him wrongly.

"You just waterbended, Luna," awe colours Aang's tone as he looks at me with newfound respect. "You told us you couldn't bend!"

"B-but... I really can't. That's impossible! Are you sure you're not just dreaming?"

Katara runs over to where we're standing, leaving Sokka alone in the rain with Appa. She's dry as well.

Our conversation is put on hold as Katara smoothes her clothes, and I take the umbrella from Aang. We continue walking down the path that the man just came from.

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