Chapter 15: A History Lesson

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Recap: Luna and her friends were involved in the Battle of the North, which resulted in Luna getting burned in her right shoulder, thanks to Zhao....


I awake with a gasp. Taking quick, short breaths, I look around wildly.

Where am I? What happened?

Heart racing, I slowly take in the round piece of land I'm sitting on, the forest of old trees opposite it, and the river separating us. I'm isolated on my own little island, basking in yellow sunlight.

What happened?

Checking myself for injuries, I'm surprised when I find none. Why am I feeling surprised? Did I expect myself to be hurt?

After a while of pondering, I realise that yes, I am expecting my body to be injured.

And with this realisation, the whole world comes crashing down on me.

I remember what happened.

"Oh, no," I murmur, grabbing at my head in anxiety. Flashes of what had happened floats into my brain - I was in the Avatar world. There was the war at the North, the Spirit Oasis, Zuko, Zhao, the Moon Spirit... And I remember I was harmed. Very badly.

In jerky movements, I let go of my head and pull up my right sleeve, intent on finding at least a healing wound, or a scar, on my right shoulder.

There was none. Only my tan skin peeking through, looking perfectly fine and unharmed. Like I didn't get the burn from Zhao that was sure to leave an ugly mark. Nothing hurt, either.

It's like I'm in heaven, or something.

Wait. My head snaps up at this thought. What if I am? Not in heaven, maybe, but in some place where the afterlife thrives. Maybe I was hurt so badly that I died! Maybe I didn't survive the blow delivered by Zhao, and then my soul was transported into this strange, quiet place.

At this thought, I can feel myself getting upset. And angry. How could I let myself die?!

I'm...dead. Literally.

"Actually, no, you're not."

Whipping my head around so fast that an audible crack was heard, I stand up quickly when I see a stranger standing behind me. I stare at him suspiciously while preparing to defend myself.

The middle-aged looking man - a fair-skinned guy with turquoise eyes, black hair, thin lips, and who's wearing a vest over shirt - raises his arm quickly in surrender, his warm smile dropping from his face.

"Calm down, Luna! I won't hurt you," he instructs gently with a deep soothing voice, the kind that must have made a good singer. There is sincerity in his eyes and voice.

I relax slightly, but keep my guard on, just in case. His thick eyebrows smooth out when he sees me relax, and the smile returns. He looks at me fondly, the way a father would a child. I feel unsettled, not because of the way he's smiling at me, but because he looks...familiar.

"How'd you know my name? And where did you come from?" I ask urgently. Maybe he can tell me where the hell am I (no pun intended, in case this is hell).

"I decided to visit you. So I appeared," the strange men replies simply, as if explaining why one plus one equals two. He continues to smile at me. I step back carefully, aware of the gurgling river a few steps behind, and of the stranger in front. I glare, not liking that he's giving vague answers. And I can't shake off the feeling that I know this guy.

"You haven't said how you know my name. And who are you? Why did you come find me?" I ask, trying to give him my best intimidating look.

He stares at me for a while, like he can't believe that I'm asking these questions. Then he laughs in delight, a carefree laughter that echoes around the silent space and causes me to relax subconsciously. An evil person can't have such a nice laugh, can he? "You mean you can't tell?"

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