Chapter 17: Bonding Sessions and A Long Lost Family

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A/N: Aaaand this chapter is dedicated to today's birthday girl (You are a girl, right? Sorry) - @killerPretzels !!!! As per your request, here's a new chappy - in Sokka' s P.O.V.! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! As for the others,  enjoy!


Sokka's P.O.V.

The moment I saw Luna fall, with blood pouring out onto basically everything, my world spun.

I remember the panic I felt when I saw her hit the ground. For a moment, I couldn't make my feet move, and somehow that scared me even more than Luna's wound did.

It was the sound of Aang's anguished cry that unlocked my limbs and forced me to run towards Luna's lifeless body. My sister was already beside her, muttering soothing words.

Through the corner of my eye, I saw Aang's tattoo glow with a blinding whiteness as he entered the Avatar State. He was summoning the power of all the elements, causing the icy ground beneath us to shake violently. No doubt he's as upset as we were about Luna. A part of me wanted to watch out for him, but I couldn't summon the energy to do so as I collapsed onto my knees in front of her.

She looked so horribly pale, the pool of blood gathering around her a stark contrast to her skin. For a moment, my mind went back to the times that we fought and I wished that I could take them back. Then those memories were gone, replaced by her blank, dying eyes.

No! I thought with despair. I couldn't have another person I love leave me. I'm fifteen, for Spirit's sake, I should be old enough to protect those I care about! I wasn't like the helpless seven-year-old kid I was when my mother died. I wasn't like the twelve year old boy I was when my father left. I'm fifteen, I should be acting as a guardian to Katara and Luna and Aang. They're all I've left of a family, apart from Gran Gran back home.

Then how could I have let this happen? I asked myself while grabbing hold of Luna's limp, left arm. I said something - I don't remember - but I remember her expression. It wasn't something you could easily forget.

She was smiling with such a serene face at something either me or my sister said, when suddenly her face twisted into an ugly mask of pain. I cringed, feeling the pain for her. She bit her lip tight to keep from screaming, then her eyeballs roll back into her skull.

"Luna! Luna, wake up." The words poured out non-stop from my mouth, but none of it made any more sense. All I knew is that the faint pulse in her wrist is slowing down... And with a final, hard thud, it's gone.

It felt as if mine were doing the same.

I stood up slowly, feeling something poison burn through my bloodstream. My heart pumped strong and heavily - a cruel reminder that the heart beside me couldn't do the same - spreading the fire through to my fingertips. The world in front of me was shaking, and it took a few seconds for me to realise that it was me, trembling violently.

Not with fear. Not with grief. I was shaking with fury.

I turned around to find the killer, and spot him just a few steps away, running across the bridge as someone shot fire at him. In my hazy state of rage I barely took notice of Zuko, who was the one attacking, as I took off after Zhao. I didn't have a plan in mind, which was unlike me. But it didn't matter, because I was sure an idea will come through once I get hold of the... the son of a pig that killed my friend.

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