Slurp Me, Susan.

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"John, whatever you had in that cup is gone. That slurping sound is so annoying, I'm trying to work here" ~besides I've got something you can drink that never gets empty~ (I mumbled under my breath). "Excuse me, did you say something "? "Yeah, let's take a break! I'm famished".
I wonder if there's food in the fridge?
Hoping to find a dish one of my co workers left behind "unlabeled" and uneaten  from this mornings luncheon. It's late, we're at the office brain storming a proposal to present to corporate for our departments funding.
He finally sits the cup down on the edge of the conference table.
"Let's go take a look"!

As I spring from the chair my stocking is snagged on a peice of peeling vinyl.
"Fuck, these ragedy ass chairs should have been replaced a long time ago" I exclaimed.
"Wait, don't move, I'll help you"! "Are they ruined"?  I ask,  "Yes, pretty much keep still so I can get you loose". (Nice choice of words) He's kneeled at my feet, I can feel his breath at my backside as he struggles to untangle me from this starved chair, but someone else is hungry. I can feel it as his breathing increases. I don't blame him, with a firm round ass sitting plump in a white pencil skirt, how could he not be?.
John and I flirted off and on last year but never acted upon our feelings.
I began to shift as naughty fantasies fill my head.
~His sexy voice breaks my thoughts~

"I can't seem to save your panty hose, I'll have to remove them, is that ok"? "Yes"! I quickly responded, hoping I didn't sound too desperate while My clitoris jolted with excitement.
He seductively slid them down my stems admiring my thighs along the way. "Damn" he blurted out, practically salivating, we're both trying to hold back.
Nature took its course and before I knew it, I  was on the Marble Top Spread Eagle tied to the legs with the ripped Nylon and his tongue deep inside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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