Chapter Four

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Karma's POV

There is an awkward silence in my office right now. Everyone is staring at me like I caused the shit to go down.

"What the fuck are you guys staring at?"

I cock an eyebrow to the group. My voice is more gentle and calm because I am not Queen Karma right now, I am Karma their sister.

"Sis what did you do to Cairo? That nigga just snapped on my baby!"

I looked at Desire with a bored expression while replying to her.

"Your baby did just try to talk to Cairo like he one of the workers and not a motherfucking KING. This shit has nothing to do with me and everything to do with your fucking MAN being a dick."

I am highly irritated with my brother he always seems to forget I am fucking grown and I will do whatever the fuck I want to do. Desire is being an asshole, but I get it her loyalty is with my brother.

"I am just saying Karma this is your blood. Don't let some nigga come in here and cause chaos between you and him. Stop letting that nigga disrespect your blood!"

Desire has crossed a line now. Fuck that shit!

"SOME NIGGA? SOME NIGGA? Excuse the fuck out of me, have you forgotten who that fucking nigga is to me and my child. That NIGGA saved me from a verbal, emotional, and physically abusive relationship, that you and my blood were too blind and fucking dumb to see. That NIGGA has spoiled me and loved on me at my lowest moments. That NIGGA has driven 30 mins away just to hold me because I was having a nightmare about my ex. That NIGGA helped me boost my self-esteem again after it had been torn down for four whole fucking years. That NIGGA stood up and adopted Aaliyah with me and gave her something I couldn't be in a million years, a father. That NIGGA has given me unconditional love and loyalty. That NIGGA helps in whatever I need or want for Aaliyah, and I am not just talking about material stuff. Cairo is more than SOME NIGGA! He is MY NIGGA and he will not be disrespected. If there is anyone here that does not like it, then I don't know what to say to because he is not going anywhere. And I feel that this whole argument is bullshit because I have done nothing but respect everyone's significant others! You guys don't respect Trey I get that shit, but you guys will fucking respect and accept Cairo!"

I was so busying ranting I didn't even notice the tears rolling down my face. I am upset and the people I need the most are Cairo and Aaliyah. I wipe my tears and stand up to make my way out of the room. I make it to the door and open it. Before I step out of it I turn around to address the group.

"You guys make yourselves at home you know where everything is. I am going to cuddle up with my daughter and SOME NIGGA."

I leave the room and close the door behind me. I begin to walk towards the stairs with both of my hands pressed against my mouth to smother my cries. As I walk up the stairs it gets harder and harder for me. I am not just crying because the group is giving me a hard time. I am also crying because I can never be with the man that has my heart and all my love. Life is so fucking cruel I swear. I was so deep in thoughts that I almost tripped because there were no more steps to go up. I made a right and went to the only room I know Cairo would be in. I opened the door only to witness the most adorable scene, Cairo sleep in the rocking chair with Aaliyah laying on his chest wide awake. She looks so peaceful, there is no doubt in my mind that she is obsessed with her father. I snap a quick picture of them for snapchat with the bear filter. I caption it Mi Familia and post it. Then, I walk over to them and try to grab Aaliyah. I say try because this nigga hold gets tighter and Aaliyah starts to cry everytime my hands go around her. Ain't this some bullshit?! After the fourth try, I realize this is not going to fucking work.

"Cairo. Cairo. Cairo. Baby, please come to bed, my love."

I shake him lightly, and his eyes begin to open. When he opens his eyes he smirks at me.

"I will come to bed if you give me a kiss."

"Cairo stop playing you remember what happened last time. We avoided each other for months. We can not afford to do that again with Aaliyah in the picture."

I lick my lips as I stare at his feeling nervous.

"Look at me Karma."

I find myself staring into his eyes, staring at the love they hold for me.

"We were kids then. I am ready to accept that you are the love of my life and make you mine. Kiss me Karma. Kiss me if you want us as bad as I do."

I want to kiss him, I do, but I am in a relationship with a man that I am secretly already married to. It was a moment of impulse and jealousy. Cairo had just chosen Myah over me, and I interpreted, the decision he made, at that moment as a sign from God that I was supposed to be with Trey. So, that day we went to the courthouse with his mom and family and got married by a judge. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I did not realize how close my lips were to Cairo's, and when I did it was too late. Cairo is kissing me with so much passion that it makes me forget all my problems and the fact that he is holding Aaliyah. Her fussing is what stops me from kissing him back. I straighten up and take a step back to allow Cairo to put Aaliyah in her crib, so we can talk. We walk out the room and go across the hall to mine.

"Cairo you do not know how long I have waited for this moment to come."

I see his face light up and it saddens me to have to tell him the truth.

"But this moment has come too late Cairo, I am married to Trey."

There is a long awkward silence, and I am silently waiting for the storm to begin.

"I want to be mad at you Karma, but I can't. I can only be mad at myself. I played with your emotions so much because I thought I would always have time. And for that, Karma, I am sorry. But I will be waiting for you no matter what relationship I am in CoCo I will always be waiting for you. Just say the words, and I am yours.

Cairo wipes my tears and gives me a soft kiss on my cheek before he leaves out the room to get our daughter. I think I am going to go to Trey tomorrow and ask him for a divorce. I pull out my phone from my robe pocket. It is now eight am and I have zero calls or texts from my "husband." His class was at six am and ended at seven fifty am, and I have not heard a single thing from him since this morning when I kicked him out. I sigh and put my phone on the charger, plugged into the outlet the next to my bedside table. I go to my walk-in closet and take off my robe and lace bra. I search for my guilty pleasure, and it takes me a little minute, but I find it. I pull it to my nose and it still smells like him. Since Cairo has started this serious relationship with Myah, I try not to call on him too much. Though it has been years since I have experienced abuse, I still have nightmares. With my husband being the ass that he is and disappearing for days at a time, I can not rely on him. So, I have Cairo's old high school football jersey. I make him wear it every time I wash it so it can smell like him. The sound of my door closing shakes me from my thoughts and I, quickly, slip on the shirt. I tug on the shirt a little more to cover my ass then bend down to pick my robe and my bra up. I throw my bra inside my hamper in the corner of my closet next to the exit. I continue to walk out of my closet and into my room with my robe in my arm. I hang the robe up on the hook, which is on the wall next to my bedside table on the right side of the room. When I turn towards my bed, I melt, instantly, at the sight in front of me, Cairo is already fast asleep on his back with Aaliyah on his chest. He has his left arm around her and the other splayed out waiting for me. I smile and take a picture once again for snapchat. I captioned it A true King always has room for both HIS Princess and HIS Queen. I post it and then climb into bed, instantly Cairo's arm pulls me to his chest, so I am face to face with Aaliyah. I sigh and close my eyes, snuggling closer to Cairo. I wish my life would always be this peaceful. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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