Chapter One

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Karma's POV:

I rolled over in bed responding to being lightly shaken.

"Trey your ass better have a good ass reason for waking me up."

"I think YOUR fucking daughter yelling counts as being as a good reason. Now get your motherfucking ass up I have a class in a couple of hours."

"Listen Trey I had a long night can you PLEASE go and get her? You don't even have to do anything but bring her to me. I am begging you, baby."

"FUCK YOU Karma go take care of that wailing ass monkey you call a daughter."

I was not in the mood to have a screaming match with this nigga about his disrespectful ass mouth. He did not do shit but sit on his ass all day and night. While I was at the trap making US money. Now I have no problem pulling the weight in this relationship, financially, but his ass does not contribute at all. On top of that, he has the nerve to disrespect my child. I got something for his ass! I, calmly, pulled out my custom made gold and amethyst studded SID pro-semi-automatic pistol from under my pillow.

"You need to leave before I make a mess on my favorite silk sheets."

I looked at Trey with a smirk on my face as I pointed the gun at him. I am not the bitch you want to play with.

"Karma, baby I am sorry okay just put the gun down. You know I love you and Liyah."

Trey pleaded with me, but I knew if I let this go Cairo would be on my ass. I had let Trey slip one too many times when it came to disrespecting me. Being a female and working in the streets as a trap queen was hard enough, you can't let these niggas disrespect you, it shows weakness. Trey is not a street nigga, he does not understand that I am not your average bimbo that clings to their man because they offer security, love, and validation. I am a trap queen, which means I am my own security and the streets are where I get my love and validation. It was a struggle to get to the top of the pyramid with my brothers. I am the most feared woman in Chicago, and I will be damned if I let a nigga make me cower in my own home!

"I think it is best for you to go. I need you to really think if you want us to work because I am a package deal. You can not have me without my daughter. Cairo already doesn't want you around our daughter, and I can not keep defending you, only to come home from a hard day at work with you not willing to even help out or look at Aaliyah. I get it, I did not consider that you were not ready to raise a child when I took Aaliyah in. Trey, I made the choice to keep her because she was and still is innocent, and I was not going to let her grow up in a foster home. You are going to accept her as being apart of me or leave the choice is yours. You can decide when you are sleeping alone tonight."

I lowered my gun but kept a cold glare as I watched Trey pack his shit up and leave without uttering a single word. The door slamming brought back the screaming of my little angel in the next room. Quickly covering my body with a robe, I rushed out of my room and entered the nursery across the hall. I walked over to the crib and peered over it. Aaliyah's bottom lip quivered as I reached for her.

"What's wrong baby girl? Did you have a nightmare?"

I placed Aaliyah on the changing table to check her diaper. She was clean and was not wailing anymore.

"You just wanted attention from Mommy huh?"

I sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the room and observed the room as I rocked my little girl. The walls were painted royal purple with gold stars randomly placed on them. Above Aaliyah's, custom made dark mahogany gold trimmed, crib was a gold crown with royal purple curtains flowing from it and Aaliyah's name resided under the crown in cursive. Her changing table sat on the far left side of the room and a big brown bear sat on the right side of her crib and a huge rainbow unicorn bear on the other side of her crib. She had her own walk in closet that was next to the door. I chose to have white carpet in all my bedrooms and Aaliyah's was no different. I had not been prepared for Aaliyah, but Natalie, my hoe ass sister, insisted on not keeping the little Angel. Living in a foster home for most of my life until me and my brothers joined the streets, I knew that I could not let her be raised in such a hostile environment, so I took her in. Aaliyah is a chocolate 3 week old baby with soft black curls on her head and black eyes. There was no drama in the delivery room. Isaac, a sad excuse of a man, my ex-fiance, and Aaliyah's biological dad did not show up to her birth. When Natalie pushed her out, she refused to look at her, so she was placed right into my arms. I did that skin to skin bonding thing and just like that, her heart was intertwined with mine, and that is how it will always be. After I continued staring at her and bouncing her lightly in my arms, I passed her to Cairo. Cairo is 6'2, light skinned, hazel green eyes that have been forever imprinted in my mind since the day I met him, a body that could put Zac Efron out of business, and sandy blonde locs and a goatee to match. He adopted Aaliyah with me because he knew, from watching his mom, that being a single parent was not easy. Trey had made it very clear that he did want anything to do with my little angel. I thought with time he would come around.. Guess I was wrong... Anyway back to Cairo, I met him through my brother King and Caesar. Cairo and I have insane chemistry, but we both decided that we would not explore this chemistry, due to us working together and being friends. The friendship that we have created is a little complicated and often makes our significant others very uncomfortable. But we have made it clear that neither of us is going anywhere, and our little girl bonds us to each other forever. So if you can't handle that, then the door is always open for you to exit. I am pulled out of my thoughts by Liyah's soft cries.

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