Chapter 1 What are you guys?!

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*Just image her eyes were gold and red scarlet highlights were in her hair*

*Scarlet Pov*

My eyes flutter open and I saw a beam of light. I look around and see I'm in a huge mansion. I knock on the door. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I call out but no answer. The door suddenly opens by itself and I walk through the door. That's when I noticed a boy laying on the couch. He blond hair and earbuds were in his ear. His eyes were closed so he probably couldn't have heard me. "What the hell?! Who am I?!" I didn't realize that I said out loud. I hope no one didn't hear me. "Where am I? What am I doing here?" I think out loud again. "Ne~Teddy who is this strange human coming to our home?" A purple hair boy with eye bags and holing an eyepatch teddybear appears out of nowhere. I jump and grab my beating fast heart. "Why would you do that?" I demand with anger in my voice. The purple hair boy tilted his head in confusion. "Do what? I don't understand..." He looks at me confused expression on his face. That's when I saw a girl running down the stairs from a red-haired boy who was chasing her. She had blond hair and pink eyes. The red-haired boy had green eyes "Oh look its the pitiful human who can't stand up for herself." The purple hair boy has a smirk on his face and his eyes show pure crazy. "Are you ok? Cause I'm a little concern right now." I ask with a concern expression planted on my face. "Anyhow! Where the hell am I?!" I ask the strang people. The blond hair girl stops running and turns to look at me. Eventually, one by one people came. "My name is Yui Komori these are the Sakamaki's..." Yui points to other seven people and turns around to face the other four. "These are the Mukami's family and who are you miss? I've never seen you before." She asks with a small smile. "My name is..." All the boys and Yui waited to hear my unique name that my parents gave. "Scarlet RedBlood." I finished off. Yui looks at me with shock expression and the boys gave me a look. "Ne~Teddy what kind of name is Scarlet RedBlood? That's a weird name, don't you agree teddy?" Kanato said with a creepy smile that can cause a shiver to run down your spine. "Hey, it's not my fault my parent's name that way!" I exclaimed. "Um miss RedBlood what is that in your shirt?" Yui points to my shirt with underneath my favorite knife laid, the one I've been carrying for 13 years of my life. I can't allow losing my favorite knife. "I don't know what you're talking about." I keep hidden my favorite knife underneath my shirt. Yui keeps asking. "What are you hiding?" Yui asks me with worried lace in her voice. "Nothing. BYE!" I run out of the room heading to random direction without knowing what to do. I couldn't risk losing my favorite knife that gives me pleasure. I finally made it to my room and open the door, I slammed the door and took a deep breath. The reason why I couldn't let my favorite knife get taken away was that it helps me with all the pain and sorrow that I've been going through. All the endless sadness and pain help my suffering grew more until it was unbearable for me. I felt like I was dying and no one could help or save me from this darkness. I love cutting my wrist open because it makes the pain go away and instead of suffering I feel pleasure. It makes me happy to know that no one can hurt me but I could decide to hurt myself. I was in controlling the pain, not one understand what its like to be me. Normal people have loving and caring parents but instead of normal parents for me, I got a mother who has a lot of affairs with other men and a drunk depressed father who hits and beats me. Later on, I begin to walk by myself until I see Ayato drinking Yui Komori blood. I freeze. "WHAT THE HELL!!" I scream really loud and Ayato stops drinking Yui Komori Blood. He turns to look at me with a shock expression on his face. But it quickly turns to anger. "Your's Truly demands you to stop screaming." He says with an angry face. "What the hell are you?!" I said with a shocked face. "Your's Truly-" I cut him off. "You know what?! I'm just gonna pretend I never saw you..." I begin to walk backward and turn around! I bolt down the stairs. "Miss RedBlood your screaming was deplorable." Renji appears out of nowhere. "Jesus Christ! Your gonna give me a heart attack!"I exclaimed.  "Miss RedBlood is something wrong?" Renji asks with concern in his eyes. "I'm fine and goodbye." I walk away to go to the bathroom. I took out my favorite knife to begin cutting myself. "Cutting feels so good.." I began to laugh insanely at myself.

*Third point of view*

Yui took a long deep breath after getting bit by Ayato. She begins to wonder why Scarlet was hiding something. Yui starts to walk to Scarlet room and knock on the door. When no one answer, she knocked again but no one still replied. She opens Scarlet room door and sees Scarlet cutting herself. Blood oozed up of her wrist. She sees a crazy glint in her eyes and her insane smile never leaving her face. Yui slowly backs up and run to the Sakamaki's and Mukami's. "Renji-san! Ruki-San!" Yui calls out with fear in her voice and.......


Author: I'm going to leave a cliff hanger here because I want to see the tension and I'll probably write another chapter later! So, for now, you have to wait and be patient! Plz, follow me and comment or vote! I want this book to at least get 99 views and 20 vote and 12 comments at least! Thank you for reading this book! It means a lot to me! BYE!! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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