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I was walking home from school, I kept walking until I was at the bus station. I waited for the bus to come, patiently I took out my phone and look through social media until I saw my crush Rin hugging Jess the girl who bullied me for years. I just stop breathing and I began to giggle insanely at myself ." I guess I need something to ease the pain I feel right now." I laugh insanely to myself. I thought about all the fun ways to hurt my self. I walk to my house and went straight to the bathroom. I began to cut myself and blood oozed out of my wrist and I just kept cutting until the feeling went numb. Eventually, I wrap my wrist around bandages and look in the mirror. My short brown purple high lights glow under the bathroom light. I saw my rose red lips busted and split open, my cheeks were hollow and underneath my eyes were eyebags. I use my fingers to trail my busted lip, I felt something wet on my fingers and I took it out to busted lip was bleeding..... "Damn it..why is my lip bleeding all of sudden?" I growl under my breath, I began to stop the bleeding and I look at the mirror. I look at myself one last time but I notice something behind me. It was a black shadow with blood red color eyes that could make anyone freeze in fear. "W-w-w-who a-a-are y-y-y-you?" I ask out with fear lace in my voice. My heart began to pound very fast and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Panic raised in my head and I all could hear was 'Run!'. "My name is not important but...I'll tells you this, may God give you mercy and blessing upon your poor soul. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but it's only for your good...I mean for all our good." The shadow takes out a knife that has black marking and red words printing. "Please let me go...I won't tell anyone! Just let me go! I'm begging you!" I cried out in fear and my heartbeat quickens, every second feel likes an hour of darkness. "Shhhhh...please don't make this harder for me...I don't want to do this but I have to..." The shadow stabs the knife in my heart. He takes out the knife and puts it back in my heart. The shadow keeps doing it until blood comes out of my mouth and I start to cry. My tears come out of my eyes and they mix with my blood. I keep crying and my heartbeat starts to slow down, I feel like I'm dying...It hurts....this pain and my blood keep pouring out. Black dots appear in my eyes. "I hope you can forgive me, I know this wasn't fair to you but you will understand why I did this to you, my love. You will save all of us and the world as well, please forgive me, Al." The shadow voice change to a male voice. "I'm sorry...Please don't hate me for what I did to you." The shadow turns into a man. The man hair was brown and his red ruby eyes were leaking tears. "Who are you?... Why did you do this to me? I don'" My voice sounds scrappy and dried. "I want my mama and papa...please let me say goodbye to them...I don't want to die...I want to live, I want them to be happy and be proud of me...I don't want them to hate me..." My voice began to dry out. "Don't worry my little Al I will tell them you said goodbye and how much you love them...It's okay to go to sleep..." My eyes began to close and tears kept coming. My last tear drop came and I took my last breath. That's when I knew death came for me and I couldn't stop death...Why did I have to die? Why did he kill me? This isn't fair...Why does this happen to me? My mom started to have affairs with other men and my dad  drink all the time... all because of me...Anything I touch turns to poison and rotten..."IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" I scream in hatred and pain. Everyone hates me and they all I wish I was dead...maybe it was better if I was one would care..."Why......I tried to do anything well but it always turns bad." I start to cry harder. "Why did this happen to me? Why do everyone hates me and bully me?! Why don't I just died! Just like everyone said! I'm worthless and I'm trash! Maybe I shouldn't have existed in this cruel world!" I scream out in agony! But something strange has if time stops itself...A Clock appear and read 2:00 AM but it has if someone was pulling back time itself. The two clock hands began to turn by itself, the two hands begin to go backward but really fast backward. Now the clocks change. Its say 8:00 AM and my outfit begin to change, my once school uniform and school skirt, change into a black long sleeve and grey skirt with a chain that hangs behind my skirt. My once short brown purple high light hair change into two blond curled pigtails with red scarlet high light in my hair. Black lace rubber bans were holding my hair and a mirror appear. My busted and split open lip change into perfect scarlet lips that could make anyone fall in love with. My once cheeks that were hollow turn into rosy color cheeks and my eye bags disappear. My once pale skin color turns into a honey color skin. My browns eyes turn into honey color eyes. "Is that really me?" My voice came out quiet and soft. The voice I knew was high and squeaky but this voice was different. I look in the mirror and I look animated. That's when it hit me. This will change everything.


Author: Thanks for reading the prologue! Plz follow me or comment and vote for this book! It's my first time writing a Diabolik Lovers fanfiction! So it would mean the world to me if you guys read this book! Thank you! ;)

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