"oh, well I was just going to go back to toriels.."
You wonder why he might of thought you'd stay anywhere else, unless he has some other reason for asking.

He looks like he's about to say something but once again stops himself.
You can't help but wonder what he was going to say.
After a bit of him thinking to himself followed by an awkward silence, he eventually seems to find something else to say.

"are you sure she'll let you stay there?"
He seems like he knows something about toriel you don't, but then again he's probably known her longer than you so its not unlikely.

"well she was going to let me stay there before, why wouldn't she now?"
You know that he knows things about toriel that you don't but she doesn't seem like the person to just take back an offer like that.

"well just in case, feel free to crash at my place if you ever need to; the doors always open (figuratively) for someone as a-door-able as you"
What he said feels different from what he's thinking, you can see it on his face; though the blue returning to his face once again almost conceals the feelings evident in his eyes.

You wonder what it is that he decided was better not said.
It was probably something that you'll find out eventually.
(she's never let a human come back once they've left)

"my home-y, I know ya a-door me but dont think ill just move in like that!"
You laugh at your own puns.

Sans lets out a chuckle, much to your satisfaction.
However, you notice the degected look in his eyes.
You wonder if he was hoping you'd stay with him.
Then again, it could always be something else.

"so memory loss must be alot to handle."
He lets out another chuckle, as do you.

You notice hes changing the subject again..
He seems to do that alot..

"yeah, but ive gotten a pretty good grip on it so far"
You dont mind letting him change the subject, and he seems grateful that you allowed him too.

You and Sans both continue to throw puns back and forth in conversation while ordering drinks every now and then.
However, once it starts getting late, you notice Sans starts to tense up a bit.
as if he has to do something soon that wont be very pleasant for him.
You wonder what that might be.
But nomatter what it is, you'll still have to get back to toriels eventually.
Its getting to be noonish, and you wouldnt want to burden the poor woman with worrying over you.

"hey sans, I should probably be getting back to toriels soon.."
You hope he'll drop you off, seeing as he's literally the only person in this town your somewhat comfortable around, and you really dont want to be left alone right now.

He seems to tense up more at the mention of toriels house.
You wonder why, you didnt think the introduction of the two to each other was that awkward..at least, you hoped it wasnt..

"yeah, right..that."
Its pretty clear that he is dreading the idea of you returning to toriels.
"before you go, take this...and dont worry its no phoney. I already put my number in so if you ever need me just shoot me a text"
He hands you a phone, then proceeds to show you how to use it.

Once you get the hang of it you try calling him a few times.
It turns out that sans put himself as 'ketchup2mylevel' in your contacts list.
You try to see what sans put you under on his phone, but your efforts are unsuccessful.
He also put his phone on vibrate so you couldn't hear the ringtone he set for you either.

Soon you both shortcut back to in front of the door that you let sans through.
(you know, when you took him to see toriel.)
You gently knock on the door, calling out to toriel.
But nobody came.
you wait awhile.
But nobody came.

Insomniac (insomniac reader x all the sanses in existence)Where stories live. Discover now