Chapter 4: Can you say it again?

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Lisa POV

"Wanna come over for breakfast tomorrow?" She looked at me.. I can't tell if she really want me to come or she's actually just want me to go home now..

"Do you really want me to come or you just want me to come back again tomorrow because you've had enough of me tonight?" I asked her jokingly, she was surprised at my question but thank God she didn't take it seriously.

"Huh? Noo.. I do want you to come.. I want to cook something for you.. as my thanks for today.." is she blushed?

"You can just say thank you to me you know.. haha.. but yes I'd love to.. Jennie.."

Don't you think I'd love to sounds similar with I love you..? What?! Stop it brain! You just met her today!

"Aaa... I better get going. Thank you for tonight it was so much fun." I hesitated whether to shake her hand or to hug her, but I just go with the handshake.

"See you tomorrow Jennie.."

"See you at breakfast Lisa.."

"Yes, breakfast..make me a good pancake yeah?"

"I'll try my best..but I will smack your head if you don't like it so..don't be late."

Suddenly I feel cold aura behind my back. Is this house haunted? I quickly turned my back to face the entity behind me

"Yah, are you guys done flirting over there?" Irene unnie rest her head on the kitchen countertop and sighed loudly 

We instantly turned our heads and look somewhere else. When did she come back? Is she a ninja?

Anyway I need to get going before Seulgi file a missing person report to the police.

I offered Jennie my hand and she took it. I like the feeling of my hand touching hers, but I better not to encourage this feeling for now. I don't even know if she likes girls yet.

(In this fic, same sex relationship is normal and accepted. But one still have to make sure the other party's preference)

After I said my goodbye to the girls I went home with Bam and my bodyguards.

"Have fun?" Bam asked me.

"Yeah oppa, so much"I smiled from ear to ear.

"Attagirl" he smiled and ruffling my hair

"Yahh..stop it!" I pushed his hand away "Don't hurt my bangs"

It has been a long time since I have a good laugh with Bam, and I score some new friends too. Today is definitely a good day. I looked at the city lights through my window feeling contented.

Lisa's House

Today is definitely NOT a good day. I arrived a little after midnight. Seulgi waited for me, she was pacing back and forth when I came, I think there's smoke coming out of her nose.


Dear God, please let me live tonight? I still want to taste Jennie's pancake. I silently pray while walking towards Seulgi.

"I'm sorry...please forgive me? Don't be mad unnie?"

"Yahh!! Don't you unnie unnie me! Do you know how worried I was Lisa?"

"But I'm with Bam, nothing bad will happen to me and I told you already that I'm going to be late.." I pout

"Erghhhh...Stop that pout you're making me shiver. I still don't like you out so late Lisa. I know you are an adult, but you will forever be my baby sister. Sorry for being over protective. At least call me again if you're going to be this late" She said while massaging her temple

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