She's a woman

579 17 11

References to periods
Small amount of bad language


The doctors eyes flickered open after a long nights sleep in the TARDIS. She hadn't slept for a while, but decided last night that she'd give it a go.

She'd slept for a solid 8 hours, which was pretty good considering she'd only ever really slept for a bit 3 hours max in the past. It was still only 4 in the morning though, according to the TARDIS shaped alarm clock by her bed side.

Deciding that there was no way she would get back to sleep now, she swung her legs off the edge of the bed and sat up.
Ooh, ouch. The doctor thought.
As she sat up, a dull aching started in her lower back. She placed her warm hands over the area that was sore, and found that that brought a few seconds of momentary relief.

She stood up and tried to stretch out the ever growing ache. She stood, in her bugs bunny pjs, switching between touching her toes and reaching up as high as she could. Nothing was making the ache go away.

Shrugging her shoulders, she put it down to having slept awkwardly, and stepped outside her room. Her bugs bunny pjs weren't the warmest; they consisted of a long-sleeved top and very short shorts, both grey and imprinted with a recurring bugs bunny face pattern!

As she moved from her bedroom to the corridors of the TARDIS, she shivered.
Hey sexy... could you put the heating on for me please? She thought, hoping the TARDIS' telepathic system would be awake at this time.
To her delight, just seconds later she felt the corridors getting warmer. Smiling, she started padding her way down to the console room.

As soon as she got there, the first thing she did, was to take a biscuit from the custard cream dispenser. She stood, munching the biscuit for a while, then set to work, tinkering with this that and the other.

A while later, she stopped her tinkering, and sat down on the comfy chairs munching her way through her 5th biscuit of the morning. She'd noticed, she had a sudden craving for custard creams today.
As she sat, she felt a sudden sharp pain like a punch to the lower stomach. Flippin' hell. She thought, as she realised that she was now contending with a very sore and achy lower back and some invisible little sh*t punching her in the stomach.

Stuffing the rest of the biscuit in her mouth, she wrapped both arms tightly around her lower stomach and bend over slightly. It was painful man!

She looked up at the screen on the control desk of the TARDIS; 6:15 am. Yas, Ryan and Graham are usually getting up about now. Heaving her way up off the chair but still hugging her stomach, she plodded her way through the TARDIS and into the medical bay. She grabbed one of the machines and ran a full body scan on herself, hoping to identify some sort of alien disease to explain her whole body soreness.

After being scanned over by a small green light she slowly moved her way over to the screen on the other side to read her diagnosis.

(It read.)

WHAT?! The doctor thought. This scanner was never wrong, and now it was telling her she was healthy!? Come on!

Running her hands through her hair in frustration, she started walking back through the TARDIS. All of a sudden, she felt a horrible gooey, wetness between her legs. Stopping suddenly, with her legs slightly apart and a look of utter disgust on her face, she hobble-ran to the nearest bathroom.

Once she was safely locked inside one of the many bathrooms on her TARDIS, she quickly squirmed out of her pyjama shorts and pulled down her pants. To her complete and utter horror, there was blood everywhere. Her hearts started to beat faster than they already were and another shot of 'punching-pain' stabbed through her lower stomach. Panicked, she screamed.

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