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(note this chapter isn't necessary to read)

One Month Ago
Your POV

I got dressed in a silky short gown, the silk was white.  Smooth against my skin, I Put some earrings in after I finished styling my H/C H/L hair.

Sliding a pair of White lace stockings on, before some White heels. I rarely wore heels, but tonight I had to. 

Touching up my make up to perfection, at least that's what my mother wants.  Wrapping a white silk, jeweled ribbon around my waist and tying it into a neat bow.

After that I put a Locket my mother got for me to wear tonight, putting it around my neck wear it how hung.  I took one glance at my attire, To much white.

I sighed as I grabbed my, White bag as well. Tonight was the special night, my birthday. I was turning 16, walking down the hallway an into the living room.

I turned to the door, exiting the house.  Walking down the path to the limo, the driver opened the door for me.

As I got in and slid to sit Down on the black leather seating, I will admit I felt like I was attending my wedding with this much white on.

My mother wore a beautiful long white dress as well, however she had a black ribbon and jewels encresting hers.

She looked at me with her shining E/c eyes into my matching eyes. Using a slender hand she used her handkerchief to dab away a small tear.

"My beautiful daughter, I'm so proud of you. So young yet so successful. "She said, I smiled my 'award winning ' smile.  As I stayed silent.

Only looking out the window to admire the scenery, we passed the Ro'meave household.  I smiled at them, I really wanted to hang out with them this evening instead.

I had a horrible feeling in my gut, swallowing any foul though that tried to creep their way into my head.  The limo parked and the door was opened.

I exited first, my mother following my lead. Walking onto the long red carpet that was rolled out before me, many people cheered and clapped at me while cameras flashed.

I held in the urge to shout at them for the flash, as it burned my eyes an made me dizzy.  But we made it inside the restaurant,  in one piece.

The camera people were told to go, so I didn't have to worry about them.

Sitting down on a plush velvet seat across from my mother.  As my glass was filled up with water.

I took a moment to look around the restaurant, the well designed interior made but look very pretty
The golds and red aesthetic of the building made it nearly look like a castle.

Even though we were dressed in to much white, we didn't stand out.  I ordered F/f now we waited for it to come.

"Anyway, I'm so glad of your achievements. Your set for life!", My mother smiled, as she waited for our foods well.

"I may be able to convince Garte to allow you to marry their eldest son. "Mother said about to pull her phone out.

I looked alarmed and quickly shook my head, "No! I don't want to marry him.. I want to marry someone I really love. " I frowned at my mother, who seemed shocked at my words.

NeverLand【Gene X Reader】Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant