Chap.8 "The Days Of The Washington In The Triangle"

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I awoke with the diary clenched in my hand while everyone was asleep, it still smelled like emaciating corpses and iron which it almost made me retch a little in my mouth. I looked to the diary of the captain, I opened up to the first day that they were in the triangle, Augustus Lee's hand writing was a bit cursive but I could understand of what he was getting at. The first day seemed so calm but they did not realize that their worst nightmare had just begun, what Lee described on the second day was utterly horrifying, the second day, he reported that some of the cooks were going missing. Willis gone further saying that even his dog Chester went missing while rumors and reports of strange dark murky figures started to appear on the forward deck of the battleship, he saw one figure grabbed some gunner's leg and dragged him until it and the poor screaming gunner went into the water. By this time, more and more of the crew began to question their captain in the most extreme ways possible, almost going to the point of mutiny. Days 5-10 were battles with creatures that were even gigantic than the magathorax's, several creatures were butchered for which this was a good thing as it served as food for the sailors. On day 11, Willis went down to the engine room and discovered a unexplainable occurrence in the boilers. When he reached the boilers, he noticed that the oil in the boilers wasn't running out, it was almost as if it was procreating or reproducing itself to keep the ship running.

A little later on day 11, Willis also reported that a black winged creature with burning red eyes was flying around and hypnotizing the crew with nightmares while suffering nervous breakdowns, this creature also was said to be bad luck as if it appeared right before an tragedy occurred or something bad happens. After he described this creature, I just couldn't help but think of none other than the Mothman, the Mothman was one of West Virginia's most iconic cryptids that gained popularity back in the 60s for its involvement during the Silver bridge collapse in Point Pleasant. To be honest, I do believe that the Mothman is a real intelligent creature, I've read the stories and I know of what to do incase if we see him. Most of the days until day 44 were mostly detailing rust in the cargo hold and scavenging for supplies or food, some tried to fish but were so unlucky it was as if something was preventing them from eating, hell, even some of them were literally eating their own shit just to stay alive.

When I got to the page that said day 44, this is the day in which the red crimson organic material was found, Lee took a team of ten down into the kitchen room for which it was surprisingly clean. While they looked over the place, they all could tell that something was amidst, Willis went further with the atmosphere of the room describing it as dark and the feeling of being watched. Then they discovered of what he described to be of what a portal that was located to the right side of the northwest corner was and said that a man came through the portal, the mans description was a tall middle age man with brown eyes and had a brown receding hair line. The mans eyes soon became a bright glowing red similar to the mothman's harsh red eyes and turned into a thick black mist which let out a terrible screech and disappeared into thin air, then screaming came from the upper deck, as they ran up to the deck, they found something that would shake them like tin cans. Willis including his team saw the middle age man again with a frightened crew member, the man was chocking him while the crew member tried to get away but he had his neck snapped by the middle age man. The crew member did however survive this but he was still in shock and fearful while he was bleeding out from the inside, this all led to a whole Blood festival of some sort. Willis described on the next sentence as graphic as a Lovecraft story, the middle age man had completely ripped apart another mans body, the deck would soon became bathed in crimson blood which glisten during the night as it would almost give the appearance of extreme blackness. The middle age man said in a raspy but commanding matter: "If you don't leave, I will be back to cause extreme amounts of agonizing pain that you will ever imagine!".

The night of 44 would be the most bloodiest day as the men battled the dark figures and fighting for their lives, most of the crew had Browning Autoloading 5 shotguns and M1911 Colt pistols. The battle lasted for twelve hours with no end in sight but Willis stood looking from the observation post of the Washington's main mast, the dark figures manifested into spider like abominations and completely turning into of what the thing looked like in the John Carpenter movie "The Thing". The crew also made use of the Chicago Piano anti aircraft guns as the guns could shred these beasts into hamburger meat, as chaos continued, Willis had wrote further saying that he didn't ask for this at all and began to talk to himself. The aftermath of the 44th night, Willis arose to the stench of iron and metal while looking at the deck, he saw medics just throwing the dead into the sea. Lee including the navigator Jordan C. Walker were losing hope as time progressed, the first mate came to him saying that over a hundred were dead, Walker said to Lee that they needed to get the hell out of this shit hole before anything else more scarier could happen. Lee said okay and said to the helmsman: "Alright, lets get the fuck out of here!", after that, the ship began to speed up and went almost 45 miles to the northwest and then proceeding to the far east almost making a complete triangle. The journey of these navigations of trying to escape the dreaded Bermuda Triangle were all but hellish, the Washington fought with so many weird flying aggressive creatures and several terrifying leviathans. The battleships 406mm(16 Inch) guns would rapid fire and with the 127mm(5 Inch) guns just blaring, it would almost seem like a war for the control of the Triangle. After reading some of this, we all found photos in which we took still shots of them, most of the photos were of the war that occurred.

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