big push

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(You'll understand the picture later also a special thanks to paintingNhertears01 they named this chapter I also realized I forgot to thank Find_Blue for their help with the plot thank you both and enjoy)
Bruce's pov: It's been a week since I've seen y/n and when I ask any of the others they won't tell me. So either she's hiding from everyone or just me I wish I could apologize I'm pulling all hope in doing this but I have to ask Tony he's the only one who knows how I feel about y/n and may be more inclined to tell me. As I walk up to ask Tony Steve walks up and tells me we are all going on a mission and walks away.
Reader's pov: me and Nat were sitting in bed eating ice cream. After finishing my last tub of ice cream I heard a knock at the door and bolted up to see who it was. I opened the door to see Steve in all his muscled glory. He threw me over his shoulder playfully and took me back to my room with Nat all while I was just giggling on his shoulder. Nat had put my hair in pigtails and I was in short shorts and an oversized shirt that could probably fit Steve and then still have space. Steve began to tickle me and I burst into a fit of giggles. Of course since I opened to bat and the guys more they have been protective of me and even treated me like I was their baby. Steve turned to Nat and said something I was too busy fighting off falling into little space to notice when I was focused again Nat was throwing my mission suit at me.
After we were changed me and the others hopped into an quin jet and went on our way. Nat and Bucky sat next to eachother and all I picked up from Bucky was "I'm WAY to sleep deprived to deal with your negativity right now" when I giggled I noticed Bruce looking over and froze. This was gunna be a long mission.

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