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Harley's POV**

I sat at my dressing table, looking at myself in the mirror. I was finally ready for my little date with Reggie. I was nervous, i wont lie. Reggie was a gangster, and i was me... "Oi Harley! Cars outside" I heard Frank say. I took a deep breath and walked out my bedroom. "Ohhh, you got glamour Harley, you're like a East End Starlet" My brother smiled at me, looking proud. "East End Harlet's more like it" my mother said. "when people see her with Reggie Kray, they are going to think she is a tart!" She sniggered. "Why would you say that?" I shook my head at her. "He's a gangster Harley, the Kray's are gangsters" She told me. "Well i think he is sweet" I simply said, sorting my handbag out. "Ugh, god" She said in disgust. "And i'm gonna kiss him! You hear me?!" I shouted. I went downstairs and put my shoes on. "Have a good time, call me if you need anything" My brother hugged me. "Will do Frank" I smiled back at him. I opened up the front door and walked outside. There he was. Reggie Kray. Wearing his suit, smoking his fag whilst leaning against the bonnet of his car. My god he looked handsome. "Hello" I smiled at him. "Ello" he replied. He looked me up and down and said "You look lovely". "So do you" I again, smiled. He stood up straight and opened the car door for me. 

We arrived at the destination. We continued to walk to the entrance. "This is Big Pat, Ello Big Pat" Reg said. "Reggie" 'Big Pat' smiled. "How ya doing? You alright?" Reg asked him.  "Big Pat's here to keep the riff raff out" Reg told me. "Have a good night" Pat smiled at us both as we headed inside. Once we was inside the club everybody was saying hello to Reggie. I was shocked to see who was in front of me. "Reggie that's Joan Collins!" i said to him. "Yeah it might be, yeah we has Barbra Windsor in here the other night" He spoke. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, she comes in here quite a bit actually. The punters love it, its really good for the business" he said as he pulled my chair out for me to sit on.  "S'cuse me Reg have you got a moment?" a man asked. "Uh no i don't actually" Reg replied. "Its important" the man spoke. "yeah and this is important as well. so..." reg told the man. "Reg..." the man again told him. "Alright alright. Harley would you mind if i uh take this" He asked me. "no of course" I smiled up at him. "sit with her" He told another man he knew.  A few minutes later Reggie returned. "Did i miss anything important?" Reggie asked me as he sat down at the table. "No, just me" I looked at him. "Ahh, that is important" He smiled. "is it?" I laughed. "Very important" He told me. We was talking about the East End and what i wanted to do at college. After a few seconds of silence between us both, we was looking into each other's eyes. I saw my chance of kissing him. So i took it. I leaned in and kissed him.. and he kissed me back. 

As the night was coming to an end, which i didn't want it to. It was time for us to leave. Reggie said his goodbye to a few people and we walked outside. Oh my goodness it was freezing out here. "You look cold Harley, are ya cold darling?" Reg asked me. "I'm fine" I lied. i was fucking freezing! "Nahh, look at ya! You're shivering, here. Take my jacket" He insisted. He took his blazer off and wrapped it around my shoulders. "Thank you" I smiled at him. Reggie put his arm around me and we walked to his car. It was a pretty far walk but as long as i was with Reggie, i didn't have a care in the world. " Thank you for tonight Reg, i really enjoyed it" I broke the silence. "You're more than welcome sweetheart, it has been lovely" He kissed me on the head. He stopped walking and turned around to look down at me. "You are beautiful Harley, you know that?" He said as he brushed some hair out of my face. "Thank you Reg" I smiled at him. "I'm glad i met ya, ya know" he told me. "Are you?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm a very lucky man" he smiled. "Oww" i whined in pain. "What? are you okay?!" Reggie sounded like he was panicking. I bent down and took my heels off. "Ahh much better" i laughed. "Corrrre, talk about panic me!" Reg smirked. "cheeky bugger" He added. We both laughed. i looked up at him as he was scanning the street we was on. "Ya know, if ya want kiss me all you gotta do is do it" He smiled. I"Oh yeah? Well i might just do that" I giggled. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. The kiss we shared was perfect. It was passionate. i rested my arms around his neck and he had a firm hold on my waist. Just as the kiss was getting deeper, it started raining heavy. "Oh fuck" He said. "the fucking heavens have opened up" he said, i laughed at his comment. His white shirt was now completely soaked and sticking to his perfectly shaped stomach. I had a good look of course. "Liking ya view are ya darling" He smirked at me. "I am actually" i grinned at him. As the rain got heavier we decided to run back to the car. 

Reggie unlocked the car and we both got in. "Fuck that was a run and a half" I panted. Reggie stared at me in complete shock. "Hang about, little miss innocent over here just said a bad word? who would of thought it!" He laughed. "Oh reg, i'm far from innocent" I winked at him. "oh really? And will i get to find out?" he smirked as he leaned in for a kiss. "Maybe you will" I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled me over so i was on his lap. The kiss was getting deeper by the minute. The sexual tension between us was strong. I felt his bulge growing. "fancy staying at mine for the night darling?" He asked. I nodded in reply. I went back to my seat and put my seat belt on.  The car ride to his house was filled with laughter. He had a firm grip on my thigh. i rested my hand on top of his. 

We arrived at Reggie's house and went inside. "Your place is lovely!" I told him as i looked around. "It's nothing special but keeps a roof over my family's head" He nodded. He walked into his kitchen and greeted his mother. "Evening ma" He told her. "Ah you must be Harley!" She smiled. "It's lovely to meet you Mrs Kray" we kissed cheeks and shared a hug. "Tea?" She asked us both. "Yes please" Reggie and I said in sync. Whilst the kettle was boiling, we was all talking. "Come on then, lets have a look at you both together" Mrs Kray said smiling. Me and Reg both stood up and he put his arm around my waist. "Ah well don't you look lovely together!" She told us. "She's just beautiful isn't she ma?" He smiled at me and i blushed. "You're a very lucky man Reggie Kray" She replied. "I am ma, i am indeed" He kissed my forehead. 

"Ma, its getting late now. You should get some sleep" Reg said to his mother. "I was going to stay at Joan's tonight as the racing is on tomorrow morning" She replied. "Well you make sure you get there safely ma" He hugged her. "It was lovely to finally meet you Mrs Kray" I smiled. "Oh please do call me Violet sweet. Lovely to meet you Harley" She kissed my cheek. "Goodnight" we both said. "Well now we have the place to ourselves" Reg smirked at me. "Oh do we?" I smiled at him. "We do indeed treacle. Now get ya self over here" He asked. I walked over to him and he sat me on his lap. My legs either side of his, his arms wrapped around my waist. "Now i wanted to talk to you" He said. i nodded in reply. "If i have sex with you, that will mean that you are mine. It will mean after that, another man would be killed if he was to try anything with you. You are mine and only mine" He said as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I will happily be your's Reggie Kray" I smiled at him. "Well in that case, guess i should be polite and ask. Harley Chantler, will you be my beautiful, amazing, gorgeous Mrs?" He asked me, he looked like he was nervous. I giggled to myself and kissed him. "Is that a yes?" He broke the kiss. "I would love to be your's,  MY Reggie Kray" I beamed. I couldn't be more happier. We kissed very passionately. Reg picked me up and started to walk up the stairs. We entered his bedroom and he kicked the door shut. I tugged at his shirt indicating that he should take it off. He put me down, not breaking the kiss and started unbuttoning his shirt. I removed his tie from around his neck and threw it somewhere in the room. He removed his shirt a threw it too. He unzipped my dress from the back and slid it off, i then stepped out of it. He picked me up again and placed me onto his bed. "Now my darling, are you sure you want to do this? It's okay if you don't, i understand" He broke the kiss. "I'm sure Reg, i'm sure" I smiled. He smiled back and proceeded to take his trousers off. I got a good view of My Reg. He was perfect in every single way. And i was proud to call him mine.  

My Reggie KrayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora