peabody's kid // malachai

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You went with your mom to a meeting she had with Hiram Lodge; her new boss, you could say. You were the last ones to show up, so both of you walked over to the only empty table and say down. Throughout the meeting, you stole glances over at the Ghoulie leader, catching his eye. You had a feeling this wouldn't be your only encounter with the curly headed cutie. You eyes had wondered for the tenth time since the meeting started, your mom nudging your arm making you snap your head in her direction. She raised her eyebrows at you in a silent question, wondering why you kept staring at him. You shrugged your shoulders at her, letting out a silent chuckle before turning your attention back to Hiram as he spoke.

After the meeting you and your mom decided to stay while most of the others left. You immediately ran over to the dart board, grabbing the darts and taking a few steps back.

"Didn't this use to be Serpent territory? I thought you were exiled which is the whole reason we moved to Greendale?" you asked as you pulled all the darts off the board.

"Hiram bought it from them. It's the new headquarters now where most of the behind the scenes drug stuff happens." she answered, "Think you still got it?" your mom asked. You sent her a smirk, eyeing the board before throwing one of the darts and hitting the bullseye effortlessly.

"I'd say so." you cockily tossed your hair over your shoulder as you and your mother laughed.

"Not too bad, kid." you looked over and saw the tall, very handsome boy sporting curly hair and a denim jacket.

"I wouldn't call me kid. You're barely two years older than me." you replied.

"I don't think we've ever met before." he leaned against the wall next to the dart board.

"You're Malachai, leader of the Ghoulies. We may have never met before, but i do my research." you threw another dart, purposely landing it a mere centimeter from his face, though he barely flinched.

"Uh huh, what else did you figure out?" he asked pulling the dart from the board and fiddling with it.

"Not much, just that you have a very, very long track record and that you graduated from Southside High the year before it shut down. You were a smart kid who was slightly obsessed with science, which i'm assuming is how you built your empire of jingle jangle and now fizzle rocks. Concocted them yourself, right?" you rambled as you tossed the darts, all of them landing in a perfect circle around the bullseye.

"Impressive and yes, yes i did." he pushed himself off the wall,walking to stand in front of you, "shame i don't know anything about you."

"I'm Penny Peabody's kid. What else is there to know?" you took the dart from his hand as he held it out in front of you. You threw the dart over his shoulder without looking before sending him a smirk and turning to walk over to where your mom who was racking up the balls to start a game of pool.

"No fucking way." Malachai turned around to find the dart you just throw over his shoulder had landed perfectly within the circle of darts around the bullseye. She is something else. He thought to himself. He shook his head, pushing his curls out of his face and headed over to the tables that had been set up for the meeting.

"Flirting with my business partners now, huh?" your mom asked as you took the pool stick from her she offered you.

"He's hot. What'd you expect?" you joked.

"Just let me know if i need to kick his ass." she sent you a wink before leaning over the table to break the perfect triangle of balls to start the game.

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