Fangs sighed dramatically, rolling his head, "I'll get it," He told them before walking back to Izzy's room.

"Do you realize you're treating Fangs like a slave right now?" Izzy commented, causing Sweet Pea to scoff.

"I didn't ask him to get your clothes. He's the one who offered,"  Sweet Pea argued and Izzy sighed as his grip on her tightened, wanting to make sure he didn't drop her as he descended down the stairs, Fangs now following close behind them.

Fangs handed Sweet Pea Izzy's bag of clothes and Sweet Pea muttered a small 'Thanks' as they headed to the door. Izzy turned her head to see Betty sitting in the living room, reading a book, "Betty, they're kidnapping me!" Izzy complained, causing Betty to laugh as she turned to her older sister.

"I don't see you kicking and screaming, Izzy," Betty reminded her and Izzy groaned in annoyance, "Have fun!"

Izzy flipped Betty off as Fangs and Sweet Pea exited the house with Izzy still hanging over Sweet Pea's shoulder, "Do you plan on carrying me on your shoulder the whole way there or are you going to let me down?" She asked her boyfriend.

"Depends," Sweet Pea replied, finally setting Izzy down on the ground.

Izzy crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at both Fangs and Sweet Pea, who shared a glance before beginning to laugh at her, "What are you laughing at, assholes?" She questioned them, annoyance laced in her tone.

"Nothing," They both answered in unison, both of them quick to stop laughing.

Meanwhile later, the trio of friends arrived at the quarry to see most of the teenage Serpents that usually hung with already there. Someone had rock music playing fromt their car radio and everyone was drinking. A smile formed on Izzy's face as she glanced around, not realizing how much she had missed hanging around her friends.

She had secluded herself from her friend group lately and no one knew why. While most of the Serpents had been spending their freetime during that summer at the quarry, Izzy found herself doing anything but that.

Sweet Pea turned to Izzy, who was continuing to look around, "You miss hanging with us, don't you?" He asked her and Izzy remained silent, nodding her head slightly, "Well, now that you're here, the real fun's going to happen." He paused, pointing up to the large cliff some Serpents were jumping off of, "Let's go jump. It's been ages since we've both done it."

"You've spent half the summer here, Sweet Pea," Izzy spoke up, "You're saying you haven't jumped off of it this whole summer?" She asked him and Sweet Pea shook his head, "Why?"

Sweet Pea shrugged his shoulders, "It was our thing, Izzy. We've been having a contest with each other for years on who could do the better tricks while jumping off. I couldn't just do it without you."

"Whipped," Fangs commented as he walked past, masking it as a cough.

"Shut up, Fangs!" Izzy and Sweet Pea shouted at their best friend in unison, causing them to both to share a glance while smiling.

Sweet Pea continued to smile down at Izzy, holding out his hand, "Shall we?" He asked his girlfriend jokingly.

Izzy smiled back at him, nodding her head as she finally grabbed his hand. The couple walked through the trail and small rock steps up to the top of the cliff. Izzy stood in front of Sweet Pea, leading the way up. It was slippery and just as Izzy was about to slip, Sweet Pea placed his hands on her waist, steadying her before she could fall, "You alright?" Sweet Pea asked her concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She lied quickly as they finally arrived at the top of the cliff.  She felt lightheaded, but she didn't tell Sweet Pea, knowing he would ask why and she knew she couldn't tell him why. She couldn't tell him she had been filling her Adderall, but was using it for reasons that weren't because of her ADHD. She had been abusing if for weeks and no one knew. It hadn't been doing anything to her, but lately, it had been giving her side effects. One of them being lightheadedness. She knew for a fact after that day, she wasn't going to take meds anymore. Prescribed or not.

Everyone that had been up on the cliff had already jumped, leaving Sweet Pea and Izzy as the only ones there.

About five Serpents, including Fangs, stood behind Izzy and Sweet Pea, waiting in line to take their turn jumping. Izzy stood near the edge of the cliff and looked down, her stomach feeling queasy, "You're not scared, are you?" Sweet Pea asked, his eyes furrowed in confusion.

"I--I'm fine," Izzy stammered, turning to look at Sweet Pea instead, which seemed to make her feel a whole lot better.

Sweet Pea grabbed Izzy's hand in comfort, "Are you sure? You look like s--" Before he could finish his sentence, he noticed how the look on Izzy's face changed and it almost as if all the color had left it, "Izzy?"

Izzy staggered a bit and as she began to back up, she forgot all about being on the edge of the cliff. Just as she was about to fall off, Sweet Pea grabbed ahold of her. With his luck, he lost his balance and both himself and Izzy ended up falling off the cliff.

Sweet Pea secured his hands around Izzy's waist as they fell through the air, not knowing if she was about to lose consciousness. The two of them screamed, only to be cut off as they hit. Once they submerged from the water, Sweet Pea pulled her out of the water and held her bridal's style as he carried her over to the group of Serpents. She was now unconscious and Sweet Pea was beyond worried, "Clear the table!" He demanded sternly and the group immediately, seeing Izzy unconscious in his arms.

Once they cleared the table, Sweet Pea set Izzy down on the wooden picnic table that a Serpent had brought there years before, "Izzy! Izzy, wake up!" He called out and just as he was about to give CPR, Izzy's eyes fluttered open.

She groaned, glancing around to see everyone crowded around her, looking concerned, "What happened?" She asked them confused.

"You knocked out and fell off a cliff, pulling me along with you," Sweet Pea informed her, worry written all over his face, "What the hell happened, Izzy? Did you take too much of something? Are you taking drugs? That's the only valid reason for--"  He began to tell her, but Izzy was quick to cut him off.

"I'm fine," She assured him as Sweet Pea helped her sit up, "Just dehydrated."

"Dehydrated?" Fangs scoffed, walking over to the group, "That BS and you know it."

Izzy glared at Fangs, "I'm fine," She told him sternly before glancing at the rest of the Serpents, "Really, I'm fine. So none of you better mention what just happened to anyone, got it?" There was a moment of silence as no one responded and Izzy was quick to repeat herself, "Got it?"

Everyone immediately expect for Sweet Pea, but Izzy didn't notice. Sweet Pea was in deep thought about it, wondering what the hell had happened to his girlfriend. And why was she lying about it?

AN: Tbh, I have no clue what this is. I started writing and then this happened.

DESPERADO | SWEET PEA [2]Where stories live. Discover now