Chapter 5

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~Jimin POV~

I walked to class after waving goodbye to Jin hyung and Y/N, they went home as Y/N felt sick.

"Jimin where is Y/N?" The teacher looked at her empty seat.

"Oh she went home with Jin hyung because she felt sick." I said while watching Calla whisper to her stupid minions.

~Calla POV~

" Oh she went home with Jin hyung because she felt sick." Jimin said.

"Haha! I told you she was a chicken! She's afraid so she told Jin to take her home. Boo hoo! Hahahaha!" I whispered to Stacy, she laughed too.

" What is your plan though? Since you know who isn't here we don't have enough people! Even if she was here there is only 3 of us! We can't go against 7 demons and a human girl! She might call the police! And we won't JUST be arrested but, put into demon cages! Along with our future husband's!" Stacy whispered.

I just scoffed and looked back at the white board. She's over dramatic, I should just ditch her, but then again I need her for my plan. I'll ditch her after my plan has worked.


Jin and I went home and I went straight into bed and just looked up through the window. I was shocked.
Jin came into my room after school had ended, he and Jimin.

"Hey. Are you alright? Anything different...?" Jimin asked me. He came up to my bed with Jin I sat up and they sat at the end of my bed.

"I'm fine... I did feel some pain in my back but it's gone now." I replied, although I lied. I still felt like something was stabbing me none stop in my back. I didn't know what it was and I didn't want to worry the others so I didn't mention it.

"Are you sure?" Jin said curiously when he saw me rub my back. I immediately stopped and thought

"Oh shoot! What if he realized... Arghhh... This hurts like hell... I need to make them get out so I can see what it is...and treat whatever it is.."

" Yup! I'm perfectly fine! Now c—" Jimin grabbed both my hands in front of me.

"Don't lie to us. I know you have pain in your back. And you know you can trust us! What did you do to your back?" Jimin let go of my hands and moved back, he had a worried face but he tried to hide it I could tell he was struggling to.

"I...I don't know... It just started to hurt when we got home." I said rubbing my back again.

"Do you want to go check what it is?" Jin asked.

"Okay... I'll go see" So I went to the bathroom and checked.

"AAAHHHH! WHAT THE HECK?! W-WHAT IS THIS?" I screamed their were huge cuts on my back, wing cuts. They went down my back one of the left and the other on the right. No wonder it hurts. Jimin and Jin ran in and saw them,

"Oh my... GOSH... No way... Get Tae Jimin! Now QUICK!" Jin yelled while trying to stop the blood from coming out. It was so deep and it creeped me out.
Jimin and Taehyung ran in and Taehyung froze.

"Is she... A... Fallen angel too...?"

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