The man pushes Charlie to the ground and takes Miles.

"Tonight..." Abella sternly tells the men.

The men began picking up my group excluding me and Charlie. I glare at Abella, but she walks away before I could argue.

I turn to Charlie who was hurt. His lips were all puffy and he had a black eye on his right one. His left cheek was purple from being beaten. I carefully feel his cheeks. Charlie was badly hurt.

"I'll get you fixed up..." I softly tell him.

I help Charlie stand up, and we both walked inside the building. Charlie was limping. What have they done to him?

My face was red from anger. I'm boiling and ready to kill someone... who isn't infected. I breathe in and out fast from my rage. I've never been so mad in my life. They've taken my friends... They've hurt them... But I know they are capable of killing one of them. Even though Ruth and Lillian would've killed be if I had stayed, I forgive them. They had a good reason but not Abella. I see eyes stare at us as we both struggle to the nurse's office. I enter the big plaza that had a door that lead to the nurse's office. There was no one inside. I put Charlie on one of the cots. He lays down, but he had not said a word. I see the girls peeking through the windows and door inside the nurse's office.

I look through the cabinets and drawers. I take a rag and wet it with warm water from the sink. I squeeze the rag to take the extra water out. I walk back to the cot and began wiping all the blood off Charlie's face.

I finally broke the silence.

"Hey... You look better already." I smile, trying to brighten the mood.

Charlie still had a blank stare. He hadn't looked at me since I left.

I leave the cot to the medical cabinet. I found some cream that relieves puffiness from injuries. I walk back to Charlie and put the cream on my finger. I began rubbing it around his eye and lip.

"This will make your face more better." I tell him with a positive attitude.

I walk back to the medical cabinet for a cream for bruises. I found it on the top shelf. I shrug back to Charlie.

I begin rubbing the cream on his cheeks. I look at him then lifts his shirt up just a bit. On his stomach, there was a giant bruise.

"Oh Charlie..." I sigh.

I begin rubbing the cream on his stomach.

While I rubbed his belly, I ask him, "Tell me what's going on..."

He swallows and say nothing. I keep running the cream, but I lay my head on the cot.

"Please..." I sigh.

I focus on the cream on his belly. The bruise looked bad. I feel so sorry for Charlie.

"My dad..." he whispers.

I jump from his voice but then stare at him.

Charlie continues quietly, "My dad... he used to hurt me... The man reminded me how I felt when my dad got mad at me."

I wrinkle my eyebrows from worry and gasped.

"I never knew..." I softly tell him, "I'm so sorry..."

Charlie replies, "I've always wanted to tell you that but... I thought you would stop talking to me..."

I look at him with somber eyes.

"Why would I ever do that?" I ask.

Charlie replies,"Because that's what happened to me at school. No one ever talked to me after I told them and my teachers. I was put in a foster home after that..."

I stand up and hover over him. I give Charlie a great, big hug.

"I would never do that," I assure him, "Because I'm always here for you no matter what."

"I'm glad I have you, Alia." Charlie replies as he hugs me back, "I would've been dead without you. Alia, you've taught me to live in an ugly world through your beautiful words. You see this world through eyes like no one else. Alia, you make the world seem like it's not ugly... That's what I love about you."

I pull away from him.

I declare, "You need to get some rest. Those wounds need to heal. Meanwhile, I know some nice girls that will take care of you real well."

I give him a small smile as he nods and close his eyes, so I walk up to the group of girls waiting outside.

"Can you guys take care of him?" I politely ask them, "His name is Charlie, and he needs rest."

They all nod with a big smile, so I walk out while all of them watch Charlie sleep.

I begin walking back out to the entrance to find out what they will do to Miles and the rest, but that means I have to love Abella and also apologize. But that means I have to lie...


HAPPY LABOR DAY!! I would like to thank ALL the workers out there in America and the world :D That includes the students too because they work hard. Thank you for all your hard work everyone. The workers here in America and the other countries helped us build a better economy and better countries. Without you guys, we wouldn't be here today. :) even if you just pack panties all day or even if you're just a bread scientist. Who cares? Pantie workers, thanks for making other people happy. Bread scientists, thank you for helping us not get stale bread. Love you all :D



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