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For this series would you prefer me to:

(1) Stop writing when I reach the KH3 timeline, and wait to finish this series until after I finish playing the game so I can incorporate the KH3 storyline (I pre-ordered it already [duh] so it would be around March when I'd be done with the game and can start writing again)


(2) Push through and write the series how I imagine KH3's storyline will be (and perhaps fuck up some important plot lines in the process because let's be real... Vanitas in KH3 won't be anything like how I'm writing him here XD)

I'm torn because while I love the idea of creating my own story... I really am trying to keep this series as true to the lore as possible, and I don't wanna write something that looks straight stupid once the game comes out... Then again, if (for example) there's no Roxas or Ven or Aqua in KH3 (doubtful but you never know with these damn games), this story would be a lot less fun if I follow the storyline of the game versus the ideas I have in my head...

Leave your opinion in the comments or send me a message, pls and thanx and excuse my rambles <3


Aqua runs through the very edge of the dark forest on the outskirts of the fallen world of Enchanted Dominion. She's been through so many fallen worlds, and fought so many creatures, that she can only wonder how she's still alive after all this time trapped in the dark.

But she has to keep fighting, no matter what.

Everywhere she turns, she sees strange and haunting shadows of Ven and Terra, who disappear in smoke whenever she gets close to them. She needs to find them, which is why she forced her way through the forest filled with so much evil. It's become the only source of hope here amongst the dark.

Finally, as she exits the forest, she sees their shadows standing in the near distance. She charges towards the boys, calling out their names as she skids to a stop just behind them. For the first time, the shadows don't disappear. In fact, they aren't shadows at all. They're solid. Real.

Ven stays still as Aqua stands behind them in shock, but Terra slowly turns to face her.

"Aqua, you're –"

Her heart skips a beat at the sound of his voice. She had missed it so much.

"Terra, you spoke?" Aqua interrupts, staring up at the man in awe.

It's been so long since she heard his voice, it sounds like a dream.

"Can you see me?" he asks, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Of course! I see Ven, too," she tells him, glancing towards the blond for a moment.

"Ven? He's here?" Terra asks as he glances around wildly.

"Terra, what's wrong? Don't you see him?" Aqua questions, raising a hand to her mouth as she tries to stay calm.

Terra's eyes aren't focusing on anything, just staring straight into the darkness beyond them.

"... Where are we?" Terra finally asks.

"A world the darkness has consumed. It's Enchanted Dominion."

"Consumed? The worlds fell?" Terra guesses, his head dropping as he heaves a sigh, his worst fears realized.

"What's gotten into you?" Aqua asks, not fully recognizing the man in front of her. He looks like Terra, but there's something different about him. Something she can't quite put her finger on. "How do I know you're Terra? And not the weakness in my heart, that's playing more tricks?" Aqua turns to the blond who still has yet to move, jogging towards him as she reaches out a hand for his shoulder. "Ven, please say something!"

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