7. Misunderstood

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It's a Friday. I got out of work early due to a light summer work load around the office, and picked Nolan up from the rink he's been training at all summer.

As I pull into the lot though, I can clearly see that he's not alone walking up to my car. "Rhett! You need a ride too?" I ask through my rolled down window. Rhett has been Nolan's best friend for a long time now.

He hops in the back and wraps his arms around me from behind my seat. I laugh and tell him it's nice to see him too. He plays hockey a few hours away, so I only see him a little bit more than I do Nolan. Speaking of, he climbs in the passenger seat.

"Is there anything going on tonight?" Rhett asks as he lets go of me. I look to Nolan and he looks back, shrugging. We don't really have any plans, other than to decompress after a long week.

"I haven't heard from anyone," Nolan says. "You?"

I start driving out of the parking lot, and glance at Rhett shaking his head through my rear view mirror. "The rest of the guys are out of town, maybe Rachel and them are hanging out."

I glance at Nolan at the mention of Rachel, Ty's best friend. Everywhere Rachel goes, Ty goes. It's been that way since high school. Nolan's just staring out the window, jaw clenched. I know it's been hard for him to avoid her, but he's been successful the past week. Me breaking up with Chris helped, because I think most of Nolan's free time was spent between me and hockey since.

"Would you guys wanna go to the bars with them?" Rhett asks.

I stay silent, because I wanna know how Nolan responds. If he'll put himself in a situation where he'll most likely run into the girl he's trying to avoid. "I don't know dude... I don't really wanna see Ty..."

Rhett groans and flops back against the leather backseat. "What is with you this summer? All of a sudden you're done with her?"

Nolan turns around and reaches to throw a harmless punch at his friend's chest. "I already told you I'm done with her, why do you keep acting so surprised?"

Rhett scoffs and pushes Nolan back. Boys. "Cuz it's dumb. It's not like you're dating someone else. Just hooking up with her won't hurt anyone," Rhett argues. "Besides, she's hot."

Nolan huffs and just turns back around. Rhett chuckles. "Well if you won't hook up with her, can I try?"

I scoff, a puff of air leaving my chest out of pure reaction. Nolan looks at me blankly and I quickly make a more neutral expression. He's already upset, I probably should be more sensitive to him.

"Do whatever you want, man. Good luck trying to live up to me though," Nolan fires back. Leave it to him to be so sour.

But Rhett's used to him. Nolan's pretty consistent in his personality; once you've been friends with him for a short time, you'll know how he is. Rhett laughs, saying he's gonna try his best.

"Rhett how's your mom?" I ask, just trying to change the subject for Nolan's sake. Rhett launches into what his family's been up to the past few months, simultaneously complaining about being home and staying with them because they're all so messy.

He tells me I'm lucky I have my own place, but I doubt he would feel lucky if he hadn't talked to his family in months. Yeah I'm twenty years old and have a completely independent life, but I think I would rather have parents to go home to.

I don't tell Rhett all that though. I just tell him that it's boring while everyone's in school still. I'm the only one in our high school friend group who isn't in college or playing hockey.

That conversation occupies us until I get to the Lough family home. Rhett thanks me for the ride, says bye to Nolan, and then drags himself and his hockey bag into the garage.

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