Johnny Joestar x Fem!Reader (Grace)

Start from the beginning

"Yea! Wanna see me practice? I only came here for a drink because I'm on a quick break from practice, but I'll have to go back soon anyway so... come with?" Johnny turned to Gyro with a questioning look and Gyro shrugged.

"You can go if you want, I'm staying here" As soon as Gyro gave the half assed go ahead, Johnny nodded. You stood and was confused when Johnny did not. Gyro burst into laughter at your confusion. "He's a paraplegic, (Y/n)" The two boys sat in silence as this was revealed to you.

"I see. Let me help you." You pick up Johnny in a bridal style, to your surprise he's pretty light. He was shocked by your strength, "I'll bring him back Gyro, don't worry." You carried the teen out with you.

"If you take me to my horse I'll be fine, just in the stable over there" he pointed over to the stable behind the inn and you start to walk in that direction, once in there he directed you to his horse and he told you to put him on the floor. His horse did some weird trick and suddenly Johnny was on his horse, you assume they have a close connection.

You started to walk towards the circus' direction when Johnny called you over. You turn to see him with his hand out and when you take it he pulls you up and you sit on his horse behind him. You didn't know where to put your hands to you kept them to yourself, politely.

"You might want to put your arms around me" You sighed and did as he said, slowly and loosely wrapping your arms around his torso. You felt a small chuckle shake his body and you hummed as you rested your head into his back.

"It's past the corn fields" upon hearing this his horse started to move and your body jolted, causing you to hold Johnny tighter.

While riding you talked about family.

"Yea... I consider them all family so I have about 11 brothers and 5 sisters... which is actually super annoying... but I love them all, even the ones that left too early..." Johnny hummed in response "what about you? Any siblings?" Johnny's chest tightened at the memories of his brother. You quickly noticed and shook your head, scolding yourself, "you don't have to if you don't want to, I get that we only just met."

"I'll tell you when I know you better..." you hummed as you understood. You saw the large tent ahead and pointed it out to Johnny, which he responded by turning the horse's trot into a canter, this caused you to hold Johnny tight again.

Upon arriving at the tent, you told him so go round back to get in as the front area was blocked off during rehearsals. You hopped off the horse as you opened the curtain for the boy and his horse to get through.

"Guys! Look! (Y/n) got a boyfriend~" your 'little sister' Katya, who was only 8, giggled as she ran up to you and leapt into your arms. You lifted her and smiled.

"He is not my boyfriend, Kat. I met him at the tavern and I offered him to show my practice as he didn't have much to do." You turned to Johnny, your smile still on your face as you held Katya in your arms. The older teen couldn't hold back a smile while looking at your sister's eyes gleaming at the sight of a horse. You put her down and she runs away back to the others. "Sorry about that... I've known her since she was a little baby and we are very close." You put your hand out to him, "pass me the reins as I'll direct you to where you can be with your horse" he hesitated, but ultimately gave in and gave you the reins to his horse. You smiled as you lead him to the front of the performing area, where you would have crowds of people watching however it was empty as your show wouldn't be for another 2 days.

JJBA x Reader | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now