The Promised (Feedback)

Start from the beginning

I've already given ClarityNMercy some feedback about the early chapters of The Promised, but I can happily say now that I have finished the full book. My earlier enthusiasm for the novel still stands; the characters are lively and engaging, the portrayal of Alice's abilities is great, and I like the tension between Avery and Alice.

After reading through the full story, there are a couple of things that I would love to see more of (and here is me nitpicking). I feel like there is so much lore and stuff that goes into this, so introducing more stuff such as types of demons, their abilities, classifications, and so on would be a great way to help ease the reader into the world of the Order of the Sun a little easier. I know that it will likely be explored in the next one, but a little more in the first would be awesome.

I would also love to see some more scenes building Alice's relationship with the other members of the orders, similar to the healing of Trevor one and training ones. At least for the core members. Given the timeline of the alignment I know that there isn't much time, and things like danger, adrenalin, and emotional intensity can easily deepen relationships, I still would like to have seen more time spent on this part. Especially with just how loved up Avery and Alice are (total heart-eyes emoji moment there, they are gorgeous).

All together though, it is a great novel. It is an excellent mix of adventure, paranormal, and sweetness with a heck of a lot of steamy content thrown in. There were times when I was yelling at the book (spoiler: Avery and the damn supply closet), and others where I was freaking out (not gonna spoil this one, but I think my in-line comments covered it). I am IN LOVE with the ending, and can't wait to read more.

Xx Liv

The Promise is a story that follows Alice

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The Promise is a story that follows Alice. A woman with the ability to read minds. Some demonic ritual and spirits from the other world ties into this story nicely. So far, Alice has confessed her strong feelings to Avery, a mysterious, strange guy who has his eyes set on Alice. I'm guessing that the story will touch further on Alice and her brother's past and her crazy parents making a reappearance. All and all, the story kept me entertained and I would read more stories like it.

I didn't have any expectation before reading this book, but after reading chapter one, I did expect more of a comical direction instead of the serious dark one. Nevertheless, I like the direction it's going. With her reading minds, I just thought there would be something comical happening.

The Promise is an intriguing plot that draws a reader in pretty quickly.

The writing style makes reading easy. I like the supernatural aspect given to Alice. It makes her stand out as a character. I'm not a big fan of Avery because I simply don't trust his good guy front. I would like to know more about Max, Alice's brother, and his struggles with his abilities, but the story follows Alive which I'm ok with too.

I thought the dialogue exchanges was good from what I've read. I didn't see anything that could be improved upon. I personally will be reading this whole story as I'm curious about the ending and Alice's connection to the otherworld and Satan.

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