IMAGINE: The Doctor Coming to Live on Your Home Planet

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     You sit in your study, updating your journals about your recent trip throughout time and space. You're a Time Lady. Unbeknownst to most of the universe, Gallifrey wasn't the only planet that was the home to Time Lords and Time Ladies.

After Gallifrey fell, your planet Valadia—filled with a dwindling list of Time Lords and Time Ladies—protected itself. Everyone went into seclusion, keeping their identities a secret. While Valadia, a very sandy planet, doesn't get any visitors, everyone is still careful. You spend most of your time time travelling. However, you do come back to Valadia every so often to make sure the planet isn't crumbling to pieces and to update your travel journals.

As you scribble some notes, your door slams open. You look up in surprise. "Gerrick." You smile at your alien friend. His blue scaly skin is paler than normal. Your smile quickly fades when you see the panicked look on his face.

"Y/N." He pants, putting a hand on the door frame.

"What's wrong?" You asked worriedly, your hearts pounding.

"An unregistered time machine entered our atmosphere fifteen minutes ago. We've never seen anything like it." He breathes.

You stand up so quickly the chair you were sitting on falls backwards. "What." You gape.


     You follow Gerrick out of your house. Up ahead you see a small crowd of people talking to each other, worried.

"Did we track it?" You ask, hurrying along with Gerrick.

"It landed on the far side of the planet. That's all we know."

"Any life forms?"

"Just one." He says. You raise your eyebrows in question. "It's a Time Lord, Y/N." He answers.

"So? It's probably just one of our guys. Maybe something happened to his machine."

Gerrick shakes his head. "Everyone is checked in and accounted for. Not many Time Lords or Ladies leave Valadia, Y/N. You're one of the few. Everyone is here. This-this is a new Time Lord."

"That's-that's impossible." You breathe. "Gallifrey was destroyed. All of the Time Lords are dead." You state. Gerrick looks at you, an unsure look on his face. You bite your lip.

"All right, everyone, make room, make room." Gerrick demands, pushing his way through the crowd. "We're going to meet him and see what he wants." He says to everyone, opening up a small shed that is home to two speeders.

"We?" You ask.

"Yeah, you and me, Y/N." Gerrick responds, throwing you a pair of goggles.

"Thanks for volunteering me." You mumble. He grins at you before turning to the crowd.

"Everyone, stay here. Do not follow us." Gerrick instructs as you both jump onto separate speeders.

"If you'll we aren't back in five days, send a patrol out. Keep yourselves armed." You tell them. They nod at you. You can feel the tension in the sand-filled air. The Valadians are worried.

You look at Gerrick and take a deep breath, before nodding. He presses a button and zooms out of the shed. You press a button and follow him.

     Gerrick and you follow the heat-censored tracking map on the speeders for what seems like hours. From the map, you can see the Time Lord slowly walking within a mile of his machine.

It takes Gerrick and you about six hours to spot the Time Lord yourselves.

"Follow close by me." You say to Gerrick, getting off your speeder and pulling our your Sonic Screwdriver. Gerrick, who isn't a Time Lord, obeys and hovers behind you. The Time Lord is about half a mile from you walking towards you.

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