Chapter 4

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"That tramp is trying to make moves on my man." Amy said with anger. She swirled her glass of wine in front of her and watched it with a scowl.

"She is not Amy." Penny said rolling her eyes.

"How do you know? Sheldon told me that in the basement, she hugged him."

"Yeah, I have to agree that doesn't seem likely." Bernadette noted. "It was probably nothing."

Amy looked away from her drink and shifted her eyes two her friends.

"How so?"

Penny got up and walked over to the chair Amy sat in, and placed herself on the arm of it.

"Because, and dont take this the wrong way but, Julia is Julia and Sheldon is well...sweetie he'sSheldon."

Amy raised an eyebrow.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Her voice clearly on edge.

"Amy, you know we like Sheldon, and we think you two are great together, but your great together because you can handle the little things that are, well...down right annoying to everyone else. Julia couldnt do that! Hell no one but you could." Bernadette encouraged.

Amy tilted her head to the side.

"I suppose thats true. I find his quirks to be rather adorable..most of them that is....I could do without the fact that he seems appalled to have sex with me but hey I am working on that. Slow and steady wins the race right?"

Penny and Bernadette smiled and nodded.

"Of course! If Sheldon would get physical with anyone it would be you, no doubt." Penny said rubbing Amy's back.

Amy did feel better with her friends encouraging words but in the back of her mind she still held doubt. Maybe it was the alcohol making her so negative, or maybe she was being realistic. She knew she herself found Sheldon attractive, so what would stop someone else from feeling that way too. 

"Julia is Julia and Sheldon is well...sweetie he's Sheldon."

Penny's words nagged the back of Amy's mind. She knew that Penny was trying to be supportive. But her wording was all wrong. Bernadette saved Penny by trying to clarify, but even if what Bernadette said was true, she knew that wasn't what Penny meant. To Penny, Sheldon was out of Julia's league. She was beautiful and funny and could have whom ever she wanted so why would she want Sheldon? Amy was a neurobiologist she knew how the brain worked, she knew the hidden meanings behind peoples words. It wasn't meant to hurt Amy, she knew. If anything it was suppose to be a reinsurance that Amy had nothing to worry about. And although in a way it did help, it also made Amy question herself. She knew, that when compared to her two blonde friends that's to most she didn't measure up in attractiveness.

Amy held confidence in herself yes. She knew that she was pretty, she knew that she was smart, very smart, however most men looked for one rather than the other it seemed. A few years ago the thought of comparing herself to people like Penny or Bernadette sounded ridiculous, especially because she was just as closed off as Sheldon had been.She did not want to be touched or looked at in such ways, but now, she kind of did. If only be Sheldon. The thought that that may never happen bothered her. Amy knew Sheldon held affection for her, they even kissed every once in a while but it still wasn't enough. Amy wanted more, and she wanted to wait for Sheldon to be comfortable, she really did. But how long would it take? What worried her more though, was when it did happen, when he was ready, would she be the one he would go to? Her head said yes, her friends said yes, but her heart was not so sure. What if he was ready, but did not want her anymore? What if he wanted Julia, or if not Julia someone like her. Amy shook her head and drank some more. She couldnt think about it anymore.

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