I rolled my eyes. I practically had to drag him into the line with me, but I was sure it would be worth it. "The ride hasn't even started yet. Just wait! Maybe you'll like it."

"I'm doubtful."

The ride started and we began travelling uphill, stopping at the top for a second.

"Is this it?" Dio sounded very unimpressed.

"Of course not! This is the suspenseful moment before we go downhill."

"What suspense? This ride is so slow―AAAAAHHH!"

The ride dropped before Dio could finish and his words dissolved into a startled scream. I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter at the face he made. He's always so cool and in control of his expressions. I didn't think I'd ever get to see him make an expression like that. And I probably won't see it again.

The ride was over quickly and I was still laughing as we stepped back ono solid ground. "Ah! My sides hurt!"

Dio's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, but he tried to hide it by turning away from me. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt if you'd stop laughing already. I don't see what's so funny. I was just surprised."

His excuses to hide his obvious embarrassment only made me laugh harder. "Don't worry," I said, finally catching my breath. "I'll keep this priceless memory to myself."

"You'd better." Dio grumbled.

"Come on! Let's ride that one too." I grinned, pointing at a ride that swung back and forth like a pendulum.

"Fine. But don't expect to see me scream again." Dio said. "I won't be surprised by these rides anymore."

And he was true to his word. I didn't get a single scream out of him even though we went on several more rides. But he seemed to be enjoying himself. After we'd gone on the rides I wanted, Dio wanted to play carnival games. It turned out that he was amazing at all of them. He was a quick learner and very strategic.

My pace slowed as we passed the ring toss. I spotted a cute lion plushie in the prize booth. Oh no. I kind of want it. It's so cute. And lions happen to be my favorite animal. But I don't need something like that.

"Do you want to play that one?"

I turned to look at Dio. "Ah, not really. I was just looking at the prizes."

Dio shrugged. "It looks easy enough. Let's go."

"H-hang on," I started. But Dio was already putting his coin on the counter. I sighed. I might as well give it a try too. I put my own coins on the counter and the booth manager put some rings on the counter for us.

While I was having a lot of trouble with the game, Dio was doing way better than I thought he would. Though it wasn't too much of a surprise. He'd been incredible at everything else we'd played.

Dio's last ring skirted the neck of one bottle before settling into place atop the one behind it. The size of the rings only allowed for a small margin of error, but he'd managed to get 8 of 10 rings onto their target. I was impressed by his accuracy.

The man running the game stall seemed impressed as well. "Congrats, kid. Choose any prize you like."

Dio's eyes scanned over the prizes briefly before he chose. "That lion," he declared.

"The stuffed animal? Got it." The man at the booth handed over the plush lion, to Dio, who then handed it to me with a haughty smirk.

"I have no interest in something like that. Stuffed animals are obviously a girl's toy," Dio said.

I smiled despite the rather rude comment. "I actually wanted this plush. But there's no way I could have gotten it myself." I'm sure you knew that, of course.

"I didn't get it for you," Dio said, turning away. "Obviously I'd get the best prize on the shelf, even if it's something like that."

Is that really it? I laughed. "Well, thank you anyways, I really like it."

"You're so easy to please," Dio chuckled, seeming rather pleased himself. For someone who said he didn't get the plush for me specifically, he seemed oddly happy that I liked it. "You'd better treasure that thing."

"I will." I smiled at Dio and hugged the plushie tightly.

The stall owner watched us with a smile. "You and your boyfriend are really cute together."

My eyes widened. "W-we're not dating. We're just friends!"

"Of course, my bad," the man laughed. "Have fun, you two."

By the time we left, the sky was just beginning to turn orange. Dio had amassed a small collection of goods and I was holding my stuffed lion happily.

"Thank you for inviting me to the carnival. It was fun," I said politely to Dio.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said. "I did too."

I held up my lion with a smirk. "I think I've decided. I'm naming you Dio."

"Dio is already my name," the blonde raised an eyebrow at me.

"I know, I'm naming this lion after you. Don't be jealous," I said. "It's because you won him for me. Plus, you kind of remind me of a lion."

"Now you're reaching," Dio rolled his eyes. "But I suppose I'll let you name that toy in honor of me. Come on, I'll walk you home."

Luckily Mr. Burrell wasn't home when Dio and I arrived at the door. I stood on the doorstep and smiled at him. "Thank you for everything," I said.

"Of course. Be safe." He bowed a bit, turned to leave, and then seemed to think better of it. Turning back to me, he took a bold step forward and quickly kissed my forehead. He paused a moment to absorb my flustered reaction with a growing smirk of satisfaction. His unexpected show of affection rendered me speechless. By the time I put together a coherent thought, Dio was already on his way down the road.

I entered my house and closed the door, somehow unable to stop myself from smiling. Dio was warming up to me. The Dio I'd spent time with today was much better than the Dio that hurt his brother and acted coldly. I was glad that he felt so comfortable around me. I truly did have fun today.

I wonder, when was the last time I enjoyed something like this? Something so mundane? It's all thanks to Dio.

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