"I'm hot," she answered. "Besides, I've decided that we're going out with a bang. We're going to have a night that this one horse town will talk about for years to come!"

Everyone cheered. Billy shook his head, but he was smiling.

Trina took her top off and climbed on the bar with Jodi. Everyone cheered again and started clapping to the beat of the music. She reached down for a beer hose. "Hey, want to get wet?"

Jodi leaned her head back and stuck her chest out towards Trina. She squirted cold beer on Jodi's chest, wetting her white bra. She felt liberated as her bra clung to her tits.

"We want you both wet!" a drunk middle-aged white guy yelled.

"Woohoo!" a man from the back of the room yelled.

Trina soaked herself in beer, wetting her brown chest and see through navy bra.

The men cheered and whistled. The women screamed with laughter. Four ladies jumped up on tables and started taking their clothes off.

"Hell yeah!" the black guy at the jukebox shouted.

Jodi took the hose from Trina and knelt down in front of Jesse, the bald headed biker guy with the grayish goatee. Jesse had a house in town. He was a moonshiner. He had customers up and down the West coast. He was usually gone by May, but his business had slowed down because of the economy.

"Would you like a drink, sir?" Jodi asked in a flirty voice.

Jesse smiled and opened his mouth. Jodi squirted some beer in it. He caught most of it. He wiped his goatee of the excess liquid and they both laughed.

"Titties, we got titties!" a man shouted with excitement.

Jodi, Jesse, and Trina turned to look at the four women who had gotten on the tables. They had taken their bras off. What was more shocking was they were letting a couple of the guys suck their breasts.

"I won't be outdone!" Trina yelled, and then unsnapped her bra to expose her DDs.

"Goddamn!" the guy at the jukebox said.

Another guy who sat at the bar said, "Fuckin' A."

Trina took the hose from Jodi. She walked to Mike, who was sitting at the bar, and knelt down in front of him. Trina pressed the button on the handle of the hose to let beer pour over her chest as she rubbed breasts.

His blue eyes sparkled at the sight.

"Mike, would you like some beer covered nipples?"

Mike didn't hesitate to dip his head to take a dark lobe into his mouth.

Jesse and Jodi heard moaning. They looked around the room. At least six women were laid across the tables, getting fucked by their dates. Gina, a local girl on summer break from college, was sucking Billy off in a booth. His head was leaned back with his mouth open as he was holding a glass of vodka. Those who weren't participating were watching or watching and stroking themselves.

"Well, Jodi honey, you started something here," Jesse said with a smirk.

Jodi laughed. "Whelp, I guess I better finish it." She took both hands and turned Jesse's head to face hers.

She kissed him. Jesse wasted no time dipping his tongue into her mouth. Jodi hadn't felt this liberated since her first month in college. That had been the first and only time she took part in an orgy. She was excited about participating in a second one. She pulled out of the kiss and said, "I've never got to fuck on top of the bar before. Would be nice to do it before the night is over."

Jesse chuckled. "Who am I to deny one of the owners of this fine establishment?" He pulled his black AC/DC shirt off as Jodi laid down on the bar. She slipped her shorts off. Jesse carefully climbed on top of her. He opened his jeans to reveal his five-inch erection. He stroked himself a couple of times before she opened her legs to let him in. She let out an exhale as he entered her.

He lay down on top of her and gathered her in his arms. She turned her head to watch all the patrons suck and fuck each other's brains out.

Daniel, the bar's cook, came out of the swinging kitchen door. The first thing he saw was half of Jesse's ass hanging out of his pants and Jodi pumping her hips beneath him. Then, Daniel turned his head and saw Mike screwing Trina against the wall next to the jukebox. His green eyes bulged as he focused on the patrons fucking like it was no tomorrow.

"Hey, Daniel," Trina yelled in between breaths. "Feel, ah uh, free to jump in."

"Um, I smell like grease," he yelled, and then he turned around and headed back into the kitchen.

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