Chapter 3

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Billy had decided to stay for another few days since business was slow for him back in New York. Jodi had told Jackie that he was staying a little longer to provide moral support.

It took Jodi two days, but she finally accepted the inevitable. She invited the locals into the bar for a discount night.

Trina, the bartender, gave a customer at a booth a beer and walked back behind the bar to talk to Jodi. She had gone to high school with the twins. Trina was always up for a good time. After they had graduated, Trina had gone to L.A. to become famous. When she had returned to Arizona, her breasts and ass were twice the size they were when she had left. Trina had an auburn afro. She wore a hair band around the front of her head. She had different designs and colors for every occasion "Hey, are you sure you want to give drinks out tonight at half price? You and Jackie need all the money you can get."

Jodi looked at her. "I'm positive. If we're closing down, we're going to show respect to the town we grew up in."

"Well, if that's the case, where's Jackie?"

"Jackie decided to spend Saturday night in her room crying in a wine bottle. She has accepted it, but she's really taking it hard."

"You two live in the hotel. Where are you going to live after you get rid of the place?"

"Don't know. Our main concern is Dad. The nursing home in Phoenix isn't cheap. We managed to make last month's payment, but this month? Who knows?"

"Would they put him out on the street?"

"I wouldn't doubt it. It's a for-profit facility."

"Wasn't your Dad in the army? Doesn't he have, like, veteran benefits?"

"Yes, but for certain facilities and those facilities are shitholes."

"True dat."

"We can talk about this depressing shit, later. Tonight, we're drinking with the customers."

"All right," Trina cheered. It only took her a second to grab a tequila bottle.


With all the beer and liquor half off and Jodi letting the employees drink with the customers, everyone in the bar was drunk as Cootie Brown by 10:30.

The locals definitely proved that alcohol lowered people's inhibitions because the men, including the married ones, started flirting with everything that had a pussy.

Jodi didn't care because her own head was light and bubbly from three tequila shots and six bottles of beer. "Hey, let's get that jukebox going!" she yelled drunkenly.

A black man standing next to the jukebox said, "I got it, baby." He reached in his pocket for change. He put seven quarters into the machine. He started punching numbers.

Wanted Dead or Alive began to play. Jodi screamed out, "Whoa, let's get it on!" Still wearing her white heeled sandals, she hopped on the cooler behind the bar and climbed on top of the bar.

"Oh shit!" Trina said, and then laughed.

The crowd cheered her on as she danced through the whole song. The people who sat in the booths used the diversion to sneak kisses with one another. Jodi also noticed that some women's hands disappeared under the tables as they leaned toward their dates.

As the next song came on, Jodi whipped off her Garvey's Bar T-shirt and tossed it behind the bar.

"Kitten! What are you doing?" Billy asked.

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