Chapter Three

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The prince ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->


Katrina had fixed the wound but the prince couldn't move his shoulder until the wound healed properly. He was from the kingdom of Dorcas, (Door-a-kiss) , He had tried his best to help Damon in the garden but as a prince, he didn't know much about being a serf.

A serf was a person/family that worked on that tended to the kings land two or three days a week and lived on the kings land and grew food for their own familes. The king could tax a serf but they were valuable to the king and the king was afraid that if he taxed them too much they would turn on him.

Damon was a good serf but he also carried a burden on his shoulders that he could tell nobody about, not even his wife. One day he would have to tell Katrina about what he did and what his sister did, He wouldn't tell them now but he knew that this prince would become suspicous.

Damon looked outside the window to see Prince Jacob and Charlotte standing in the dew covered grass, He took her hand and told her something that made her pull her hand away from him and shake her head. He took a step closer to her and made hand gestures that looked like he was pleading with her.

"Charlotte i've only known you for a few days but i would like it if you came back to my kingdom with me"

"Your highness you must understand that my father is a serf and my mother works as a weaver for a market stall, i have no intention of becomeing a queen or a princess"

"My mother would love you, you see her friend Queen May-Leigh was a slave in her palace but when she held a ball your king, King Dawson thought the queen was a princess since my mother dressed her up so fine that the king fell in love with her at first sight. When he found out she was a slave he didn't care and he married her anyway, but his parents disowned him so he took over his uncle's kingdom and made it a safe and beautiful place for everyone"

"But then his daughter went missing and the queen wouldn't speak to him because she thought it was his fault and the kingdom fell into despair and everyone went poor due to his over taxing in hopes to get the queen back by making her feel guilty"

"excatly! Charlotte i came into your kingdom in order to try and find that princess so she can fix everything that her father has done, and then maybe unite our kingdoms by marrige"

"well what if she didn't want to come back? or she didn't want to marry you?"

"Well i don't really care about the marrying anymore because i would like to marry you, but if she didn't want to come back i think my parents would roll over in their graves"

"Now i remember, your parents were killed during a war between your kingdom and ours as anoher guilt trick for our queen, I'm very sorry for your loss Prince Jacob but i'm afraid i cannot help you or marry you for it would cause you much shame"

"Very well Charlotte but when i come back from my journey i will find a way to get you to marry me and when i come back i won't take no for an answer"

The prince jumped on his horse with his arm still wrapped in a bandage, he turned to face Charlotte one last time and looked her in the eye.

"Promise me charlotte that when i come back you will still be here and be waiting for me"

"i promise my prince"

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