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This whole receiving guests in bed thing was getting weirder by the minute.

Anastasia looked somewhat the worse for wear and I had to bite back a fierce smile of satisfaction. It would have pissed me off more if she had seemed unruffled by everything that had happened.

The older woman folded her hands on her cane and stared at us. "I am Benjamin, head of the Academy. Welcome."

I bowed my head as best I could. "Thank you."

"I regret that we did not anticipate this event. However, now that you are here, we will be better able to anticipate such needs. Sasha, ah, Alyx will hold the shields for you until such a time as you can maintain your own. We re-structured Nathaniel's schedule to allow for taking the class along with your usual course load."

Anastasia stepped forward and handed me a file.

"I'm sure you must want to settle in and take a look around. Before you do, however, I require both your word and bond regarding the Strictures of the Academy. You may not bring others into the Academy without prior authorization or dire need. You may not speak of the Academy to others, such as of its layout and defenses. You may not sabotage another trainee while the Academy is under attack and you may not actively seek to kill another trainee or do such that may clearly lead to their death. Lastly, it is forbidden to kill your instructors pre, mid, or post coitus."

My jaw dropped and I blinked, hard. "What?"

"Not quite Battle Royale, but not far enough for my peace of mind," Thaniel muttered. He looked at me. "Will you please reconsider? This is a terrible idea."

I closed my mouth and set my jaw. "No. We're in this together."

Looking at the old woman, I gave her one hard nod. "You have my word and bond."

Light flashed and then coalesced into a golden pattern on my wrists, a wavy pattern like multiple overlapping and offset sine curves.

"Merciful Lords," I muttered. Could this place get any more creepy? "So, I'm guessing that this marks me as a target rather than for protection."

Benjamin smiled. "Yes."

"Queen mother of the Western Skies," my brother cursed under his breath. "You have my word and bond as well." His tone added, and may the gods have mercy upon us and you if anything should happen to us.

Another flash of light and the golden lines appeared on his wrists as well.

"Do you guys ever give advance warning?" I muttered.

Steel-gray eyes glinted. "No. Why should we? Consider this your first lesson. Even when you trust the person in question and the terms seem reasonable, ask for all repercussions and restrictions before you agree to anything."

My twin's hands fisted at his sides, but his voice was even when he asked, "So what did we get ourselves into?"

"If you break your word, Nathaniel, you will be dispelled. If your sister breaks her word, she will die and her ghost will be slaved to the Academy's use."

A violent shudder shook me. For a ghost to be dispelled... it meant losing all hope for reincarnation, of that particular essence ever being found again. The final, absolute death. Even returning to the All-One wasn't quite the same, like water molecules going through the water cycle versus being torn apart in nuclear fission.

"Gods fucking dammit, Ily."

"We should have asked, yes, but this doesn't change my decision one whit."

Benjamin smiled. "I will leave you to settle in, then." She and Anastasia turned and walked toward the door.

Alyx glanced at us, rocked back on his heels and then his mouth twisted before he pivoted to follow them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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