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Simons Pov

Everyone had gone out with their girlfriends which left me and JJ in the house, Bored out of our minds

I was layed in JJ's strong arms on his bed while we watched Netflix. I felt eyes on me so i looked up at JJ who's eyes were fixed on me "hello?" I whispered and the next thing i knew Jj's lips were on mine and we were kissing roughly, he was on top of me and he pulled away quickly and looked at me, i pulled him back down and kissed him passionately.

I could feel my jeans getting tighter and tighter and Jj's hands made their way to the bottom of my shirt and he removed it completely, he pulled away and he started kissing my chest slowly making his way down to my stomach, his hand moved to my forever tightening bulge, he bit down on me through my jeans and then he made his way back up to my lips as I un buttoned my trousers, he knealed on the bed and took his shirt of as i knealed on the bed too my cock big enough now to stick out of my undone trousers, JJ eagerly reconnected out lips and his hands went to my ass, he held my ass and i could feel his bulge on mine, he started thrusting his crotch towards me as i struggled to undo his jeans, soon we were both naked, he layed me down and got on top of me again, "u ready?" He whispered as he leaned down to kiss me again, i nodded and i felt him slowly enter, i let out a load moan and i saw him smirk, he stayed slow and soft "Fuck JJ" i moaned "Harder" i managed I felt JJ inside me even further and now he was thrusting fast and hard "Fuck JJ, Harder" soon he was thrusting into me as full speed and hard. "JJ im gonna" i moaned "so am i" he whispered into my ear and i released as i felt him release inside me "ugh" i moaned loudly

JJ pulled out and layed next me, i tried to move closer and fuck it hurt a lot

"wow that was good" we both said at exactly the same time which made us both laug

I layed my head on his chest and i kissed him once again before we heard the front door closing indicating that everyone was home, we just layed there for a while before we went to shower and we went to sleep

A/N wow, that was intense. What a come back from the mini hiatus i was on..I actually think this might have gone a bit far but oh well at least its an update for u all

Im sorry its been so long but now i have torn a lot of ligaments in my knee and i have crutches and im also bed bound so i will have a lot more time on my hands to update and write over the next few week

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