Chapter 1

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Somewhere between Oswald Cobblepot's rise from Fish Mooney's umbrella boy to ruler of Gotham's underworld, the world had learned that one did not cross him, interrupt him, or interfere with his plans. Ever. That rule went for the city's elite that tossed their fortune away at his clubs, the Capos who once ruled under Falcone and even the few who he considered family, who have proved themselves to be the only ones he could trust. Jim Gordon had always been an exception to this rule, until he had skewered the woman who made Oswald on the edge of his blade in a mindless rage. Oswald barely held in check his fury as the man strode into his club and interrupted his meeting with the press.

"Anyone tell him he was being frozen?" Jim mockingly asked as he looked at the clubs centerpiece.

"I have affidavits from his doctors, if you would like see" Oswald snapped as he stalked towards his uninvited guest.

"No thanks" Jim answered, a look of disdain on his face.

Oswald wanted to jam a blade into his throat. The arrogance. The gall. How dare he show his face here after what he has done. How dare he question my actions, when he has never been held accountable for his. Oswald abruptly swung around as he realised the reporters were still following close behind, eager to hear their confrontation. His glare had them backing hastily away.

Striding forward Oswald said "Well, Jim... I'm rather busy. So whatever you business is--"

"I came to tell you your a fraud." Oswald eyes widened, fury blazing in his gaze, at Jim's accusation "The gang that has Crane's fear toxin, they're not afraid of you." his tone hinted at an inordinate amount of delight over the fact "Other's will find out. That's how it begins" Jim leaned in with a mocking smile. "You've had a nice run Oswald... but it's over" Jim smirked and turned to leave.

Oswald's hand reached out, gripping Jim by his cheap suit, and dragged him back. Barely a hair's breadth apart. "Oh Jim...It's so hard to admit when you've become irrelevant." releasing the stoic blonde Oswald offered an insolent smile "Let me tell you what's going to happen. I'm going to find this gang, and I'm going to crush them." grinning triumphantly "And everyone will see that it is Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin, who keeps Gotham safe. Not the GCPD, and certainly not you." Jim stormed out of the lounge and Oswald threw out one last parting shot "Always good to see you old friend"

Despite the joy Oswald had gotten from knocking Jim down a peg he was seething. He hated that he still lived and breathed, but Fish had taught him humiliation was a much more efficient and painful punishment. Death was final and granted the recipient peace. Jim did not deserve peace, not when Fish had lost the use of her legs. Oswald would never allow it.

Oswald snarled at the reporters to leave and took a seat at his empty bar. When he was finally alone Oswald reached for an unopened bottle of vodka and took a harsh swig. Memories of that day rushing back. Watching a blade slice through his mentor. The fear she wouldn't survive. The elation when Strange told their family she had, and the crushing guilt when he told them she would never walk.

Most would believe Oswald would see that some form of karmic justice. Payback for the damage she caused his leg. Not Oswald. He knew he had brought his own injury on himself for his betrayal, notably his poor execution of a betrayal. Fish had taught him better. As the reality of the situation sunk in, all Oswald saw was his own failure to protect another loved one.

She had been so certain of her death as Oswald had cradled her body against his. In that moment all he could see was the end, but she... she had seen all he could still do. She had demanded Oswald continue. Demanded he reclaim Gotham or burn it to the ground if anyone dared take it from him again. Oswald remembered the moment with such vivid clarity. He had promised her, unable to deny her, but had refused to allow her to die. He ordered Victor to freeze her, praying that they could save her once medical attention could be sought.

He had had her defrosted as soon as he returned home, after his painful confrontation with Ed. Strange had worked on her for hours and Ivy assisting with her plants wherever she could, to Strange's great annoyance. When Strange had descended the stairs, covered in her blood and looking somber, the assembled group of freaks who had once been his patients had all stood eager, but terrified, for news of her condition. The news had hit everyone hard, none more so than Oswald.

The guilt for failing to save her. The guilt for every act of hypocrisy he allowed Jim, many of which had caused so much pain to those he cared about, when could have eliminated him so many time by now. The guilt for being too enamored with him, and then too arrogant to recognize him for the monster he was.

Jim was the one to kill Ivy's father, destroying her family in the process. Oswald knew he played a part, but it was Jim's job to seek answers and not just shoot first. Then there was broken and burnt Bridget. It was Jim and his men who had shot Bridget's tank causing her scars and placement in Strange's experiments. Victor had had the worst of it, just because of the sheer hypocrisy. All Victor had wanted was to save his love. Sure some lives were lost, but Jim had never had any problem with murder when it was the woman he loved that required saving. There has always been a different standard for Jim Gordon.

"Drinking alone isn't a good look Pengy"

Oswald turned to his friend with a look of false irritation "What did I tell you about calling me that?"

Ivy grinned "That you secretly love it and would be sad if I ever stopped"

Oswald's eyes narrowed, she wasn't wrong, and snapped "I don't, and what I told you to do is stop!"

Ivy just laughed "Nope. Drunk Oswald was very convincing. I can't hurt him like that"

Oswald huffed, a smile tugging at his lips, and turned back to his drink.

He felt her presence beside him, well before she said anything, as she sat on the stool next to his. She reached out and took the bottle from his hand and said "It's not your fault. No one blames you, especially not Fish"

Oswald let out a bitter laugh "I know that. This was all Jim Gordon." then looking into her eyes, eyes that were still so innocent despite the horror they've seen, and said "Why do you think I'm doing all this?" gesturing to window overlooking downtown Gotham "There are easier ways to control Gotham and I could easily have him killed, but..." suddenly appearing grim and resolute he said "You always go for the pain. Death is merciful when compared to a lifetime of humiliation and pain"

Ivy squeezed his hand in hers and said "We're a family Pengy, don't think this is all on you" Oswald smiled and squeezed her hand back, her support lifting a little of the weight from his shoulders.

Hopping down from the stool Ivy quickly switched from serious and supportive little sister to playful and perky "I almost forgot what I came to tell you. Fish texted that there has been a little mishap in the kitchen." at Oswald's questioning expression she explained "Bridget and Victor got into a fight about who was the better cook and... well you don't have a kitchen anymore"

Oswald eyes widened in horror before his expression quickly switched to exasperation. Sighing he said "Olga is going to murder them." then perking up considerably asked "Take out?"

Ivy grinned and nodded in agreement, and all the seriousness that had been overwhelming Oswald drifted away as the two pseudo siblings began to argue over what to order for dinner.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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