Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

Ben's POV

He honestly had no idea how he ended up in a cell. The feeling of hopelessness seeped through him as the burly man with a long beard shut the iron bars in his face, the echo of the noise proving how large the vicinity was.

Before, as a soldier dragged him around the assumed prison, Ben was keeping his bravery mask on, demanding where he was being taken and why. He remembered wandering through the streets at night, still seeking shelter when a group of men carrying rifles appeared on the other side of the street, shouting and pointing at Ben. He did the logical thing that every teenage kid would have done.

He ran the other direction.

The soldiers caught up, of course, and threw Ben into the god forsaken cell cold, tired, and starving.

The only plus side of this situation was that he was alone.

Ben allowed his bravery mask to crumble as he silently let his tears fall, curling up into a small ball, eventually crying himself to sleep.


His sleep was short lived.

It seemed, as soon as he closed his eyes, those old ioron bars screeched open again, dumped two shadowed figures, both protesting, into the cell and slammed shut as if saying, You're not coming out any time soon.

Through his half shut eyelids, Ben made out two relativley small figures, one leaning against the iron bars, begging for release. Its hopeless, Ben wanted to shout. They'll never let you out. But his tired body couldn't will the words to come out.

Soon, the noise died down, and the two figures slumped next to him, as if Bens exahustion was contagious.

A hoarse voice spoke thourgh the darkness, "You awake yet?" Ben jumped inwardly.

He recognized that voice.

It belonged to that kid that hung out with Maya a lot....What was his name?

Ben racked his brain trying to remember, his energy still slowly seeping away.

Simon? Spencer? S...


The name cut thourgh his hazy state like a knife through miles and miles of white cardboard. Ben snapped his eyes open.

But before he could do anyting, another voice replied to Sams'; "Nope, the nightmares still going"

This voice, Ben instantly recognized. It belonge to the gray eyed girl that sat behind him in Eniglish class.


Mustering all the energy he had left in is body, Ben opened his mouth..


The duo didnt seem to hear him, so he tried in a louder voice.

"Sam? Karin?"

"Wh-Huh?" was their reply. Someone shuffled around sat up in the dark.

"Wh-who's there?" Somone-Karin, most likely, asked.

Ben took a deep breath and shifted himself closer to the sound of her voice.

"Here, I'll-uh- move so you can see me.." Suddenly,as if right on cue, moonlight appeared between the barred window from above and struck Bens bright red hair, iluminating the red hues, casting a glow all through the cell.

"Ben? Ben Ryder?" came a small voice.

"Woah, woah. Ok. Hold up." Sams voice. The figure next to Karin crept slowly towards Ben, the outlines of his face becoming clearer as he got closer.

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